Sinister: a dose of smut, and why it sucks to be american
Marie Elia
littlearsonist at
Sat May 29 04:59:19 BST 1999
first, muchos hellos to new sinister folk, especially smutty steve c.
who likes jawbox, and brad in knoxville (i got cousins down there!).
so, i didn't realize that 1) so many people agreed about lazy jane's
station in life 2) it would cause such conversation. about the
thrush thing: ya, i looked it up in the dictionary, and it apparently
is a childhood disease, but i had only heard it used in "real" life to
refer to syptoms related to more, erm, un-innocent illnesses. so...
why it sucks to be american:
all these lovely things aired on brit tv, and i feel abandoned. at
least with bowlie, i could console myself: well there are british folk
who can't get there, and they're already there! but now all you have
to do is switch on yr tellies, and there you go. i'll content myself
with watching the "wicked" video on repeat.....
squirrels: i, too, have seen squirrels without tails (in oxford, ohio,
i think) -- it is a sad sight indeed.
now i've got one question for you all: dost tigermilk bars actually
exist? is that where the album name came from?
and by the way, the girl who lost her b&s badge the day she got it is
my dearest friend kimmy. she lost her belle-on-a-bike badge, but i
said that if she wears her sebby-on-wheels badge, and i wear my
bellebadge, we'll be like two halves to a whole, yin and yang.
so, is the consensus that lazy jane (incidentally, my mum's nickname
for me is Lady Jane) is, well, not so lazy? (or maybe she's tired from
all that railing-licking....) here's a task: find the dirtiest of all
of stuart's "characters" -- is it jane? or the track star? judy, who
"did it with a boy when she was young"? the one who's having dreams in
which s/he "couldn't see her face, but... everything else"? hmmm,
perhaps this is a mite inappropriate....
good night,
and sweet and dirty dreams to you all....
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