Sinister: b&s on holiday/charity gig.
BabyChris Crystalballs
babychriscrystalballs at
Wed Nov 3 14:23:14 GMT 1999
neil in the b&s office told me this:
> a couple of them are on their holidays
>until the
>middle of November, so I can't get anything until
>Keep prodding me, or I'll forget.
I wonder where they are sunning themselves. StuM is
probably sunning himself in barbados with a troupe of
dancing girls. A guy I know lives in a street called
I wanted neil to get me some signed b&s merchandise to
raffle. I'm holding a charity concert in january at my
school. It's to send some disabled kids on an activity
week. I ve got 4 bands to play. I wanted someone
famous to come as a 'special guest appearance' nothing
has happened. Can anyone in the glasgow area help me
get some cheap/free pa equiptment?
Any thoughts about this or a glasgow meetup - mail me.
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