Sinister: Songs for herds
Arantxa Sanz
pcxas at
Wed Nov 10 14:09:02 GMT 1999
Being called a 'sheep' is quite an insult in Spanish.The exact word is not
'sheep' but lamb,I believe.Anyway,it means you are not able to express own
ideas and to distinguish from the rest of the herd,essentially. I cross my
fingers to prevent Sinister to become one of is possible to
disagree and stay all together simultaneously,if each of us add our two
pences of tolerance and respect and 'care'...I started to sound so preachy
as a washing powder for delicate clothes-off voice,all fluffy and so.
It's more Isobel's role,isn't it?I can imagine her cuddling a baby lamb on
the cover of 'The Gentle Waves' future single.
Well, I just pointed that fan-clubs/lists,whatever have this tendency to
put blinkers on people and I wouldn't like myself to become one of those
who idolise any song their favourite band releases,any look they try,and
develop certain reluctance to look around and check what's going on in
other fields.So I welcome 'discussion'.
To enlighten this serious comment, I would like to remark my surprise of
Archel's conversion into 'ULTRABITCH' after the recent events.She should
be given one of the classical Bette Davies's roles in likely remakes,after
her exploration of the inner perverse lady who lies inside everyone.
And to finish, my maybe favourite bit is the progression into the first
chorus in 'TBWTAS'and my second biggest surprise of the week is to
acknowledge my own dyke skiies.
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