Sinister: mexican bandits
BradWhiddon at
BradWhiddon at
Tue Nov 23 00:30:09 GMT 1999
isobel ain't nuthin' but a skank slut with a poorly operating digestive
she called me up the other day and was all like, "so, brad, likes i was
sayin', yo! i gots the runs like a sumbitch, muthafucka, know what i'm
sayin', word? yo check this, i'll toss your salad for some crank. come on,
you trick daddy bastud. help a bitch out."
then i heard someone walk in the room and she screamed and i heard shots and
the line went dead.
so, has anyone been keeping up with the norm show on abc? my cable got cut
off and that was my favorite show and i miss it.
the new kincaid. album is really good. it's called "kincaid plays super
hawaii" and everyone should go get it.
moochas grassy ass,
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