Sinister: Supeflu Guy
poetryplace2 at
Wed Nov 24 12:51:00 GMT 1999
I don't pay proper attention I can't remember whether the conundrum wrapped
in an enigma shrouded in mystery that is the song "Landslide" was ever
cleared up. Namely, was the song that Isobel sang at Bowlie, backed by The
Maisonettes, with Struan failing to play his sax, an original or a cover
version? I mention it
I was round my speshul fwend's house last night, looking after her cos she's
poorly, and she had a print out of a Northern Soul poll of the favourite
records of people who attended the Wigan Casino in 1978. And at number 18
was a song called "Landslide" by some bloke whose name escapes me. Have the
Sinister Northern Soul congnoscenti heard this track? And can I have a tape?
There's a lot of illness going round at the moment, and
I was sick last week I spent quite a lot of time watching daytime tv, and
got quite engrossed in the indoor bowls, direct from P!R!E!S!T!O!N!
Guildhall. It's getting quite rock and roll these days, bowls. The audience
was full of dead hard lads with klaxons and drums and bagpipes and there
were mexican waves and terrace chants and stuff. There was even a streaker!
However, I missed the final, so if there are any fellow bowls enthusiasts
out there who know the result, I would be very grateful if you would share
it with me. I hope it was the Aussie charmer Ian Shuback, in his last
appearance before he retires. I've tried looking on the winky wanky web, to
no avail. But I did find something of interest, however
on I came across the news that mogwai are going to be choosing bands
for the re-scheduled ATP festival. Post-rock muppet Struan Braithwaite
burbles in a scatological vein, thusly: "Bowlie was refreshing because half
the bands weren't there because of greedhead agents foisting their
half-arsed cack soon-to-be-has-been shite bands upon those who dare to get
up before six o'clock. This event was clearly something that was close to
the organisers' hearts, as shall ours." And that's not all
on the same website I came across the following snippet: . It's good to see Mr Mills realising
the power of the superweb chocolate cyberhighway, and I'm sure Sinister folk
will be only too happy to share their thoughts with him. I haven't mailed
him yet
I've been too busy trying to decide what the greatest film of the century
is. I think it's a toss-up between the film version of "Please, Sir" and
Ferdinand Leger's "Ballet Mecanique". It certainly isn't "Gregory's Girl"
as Will will undoubtedly find when he finishes his Laura Mulvey book, it's
one long hymn to patriarchal scopophilia and the fetishising qualities of
The Male Gaze. Will also mentioned meeting a Notts County player when he was
a nipper, which got me reminiscing
when the mighty Stevenage Colts won the Herts Minor League 5-aside
tournament in 1980, I was presented with my winner's medal by Luther
Blissett. This was before he became an Italian anarchist hero, mind.
Stevie Troussé
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