Sinister: Untitled 2
James Thorniley
jthorniley at
Sun Nov 28 18:43:34 GMT 1999
It's incredibly difficult to write whilst watching the Simpsons.
Well, I feel all glowey inside because I just noticed I got a listcrush
vote (I'm at 132 or something). How charming. I wonder who it was. I bet
it was out of pity, but I don't really care, it makes me feel all
special :):)
I was up late last night babysitting. It was quite an effort to get
little Felicity to go to bed - she had been to see S!T!E!P!S!, and was
intent on describing the entire performance to me ;)
And on to what I meant to say. All you girls who are worried because all
men are bastards, don't worry, love will find a way - you'll meet a
complete prick and think he's wonderful.
I just noticed the other day that Laura has decided to go off with
Stewart. Stewart being a complete wanker and Laura being quite a nice
girl. If I wasn't so shy and polite I'd give her a slap.
Oh, the tube was great, I loved the whistling bit because it made me
whistle right throughout the week, which did slightly annoy a few
people ;)
So I went into town. There was an amusing shelf: "Gifts for
christmas..." "Great Sex" being the title of a book stacked underneath
it. Strangely I found no knitting needles.
Ok, that's everything I think. Thankyou :):):)
James Thorniley
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