Sinister: Orgasms and Dear John

Robin Stout Ppyrrjs at
Fri Oct 1 13:40:52 BST 1999

<color><param>0100,0100,0100</param><smaller><smaller><smaller>Archel agreed that Hefner sing about "real life"

	I don't think Darren from Hefner can really say his world is more real than Belle and 
Sebastian's. They both sing about different sides of life. I happen to identify with Belle and 
Sebastian's point of view more, and I'm pretty sure there's others on this list who feel the same. 
Just because it's not what everyone else is singing about doesn't mean it aint true.

	On a similar subject, I get annoyed when programmes on telly are called "real life" when it 
just means they contain lots of sex and violence and are filmed on crap quality film. Real life for 
me is getting up in the morning, doing a poo, having some toast then getting on a bus or my bike 
to work or wander round town. I do more thrilling things too but I like the way B+S don't sing about 
those bits but sing about the bits in-between.

	I think the closest you can get to real life is "kitchen sink" drama. And B+S do kitchen sink 
damn well which is why I think a large number of B+S fans, like me, like Pulp too.

	The Royle Family was good last night wasn't it? I like Anthony the best because he 
always gets the blame for everything. When my friend and I were trying to write a sitcom durning 
the summer we wrote down a list of typical sitcom characters, and one of them was the hard 
done by character for whom everything always goes wrong, like John from Dear John. We also 
had the camp character, the person who thinks he has more power than he does, the idiot and a 
few others. We couldn't think of a situation though.

	I nearly saw Richard Still-not-dead when I nearly went to see Peter Skellern play in 
Nottingham. It was a Skellern and Stilgoe spectacular. I didn't go, though, in the end.

	Carter USM did a song called Lenny And Terrence which had a cracking orgasm at the 
end of it. Shame about the song, really.

	Massive props to everyone


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