Sinister: my dad accused me of having a fur fetish

MBBX9FF2 mbbx9ff2 at
Mon Oct 18 17:33:15 BST 1999

   i stumble out of the nursery gates, slightly dazed and 
blinking, dazzled by the bright sunshine of a world i've yet to fully 
explore. Squirrels and rabbits gambol and frolick as i try to get 
used to supporting myself alone  in the world of sinister.
    I think i'm starting to get my emergence from the nursery 
confused with the plot of Bambi, but believe it or not, it took me 
two hours to think of a suitable fashion in which to begin my first 
post to the list (admittedly one of those hours was spent in a 
calculus lecture and i think that my recent purchase of the gentle 
waves album also influenced my thinking.)

   Anyway, i'll begin as is traditional by introducing myself, 
although it's hardly beginning as i'm already onto my third 
paragraph. My name is fiona and i'm just beginning my studies at uni 
in manchester. I've already spoken to one or two of you in other 
sinister-related correspondence, but for everyone else it won't be 
long before you are all desperately in love with me (particularly as 
most you won't have to endure the torment of actually meeting me in 
the flesh!) It seems of little use to ecstasise at length about my 
interests etc, as i feel we're all fairly similar to some extent in 
this community and its always more fun to get to know people as you 
go along.

    The only vaguely b+s related thing i can think of to mention is 
that i wore my bus t-shirt (a green +yellow one if you were 
interested) to university, not expecting any sort of reaction because 
it had never provoked one on previous outings, and i lost count of 
the number of people who told me it was cool, funky,  .....[insert 
own adjective]       
    I did say it was only  vaguely b+s related, but i think that goes 
to show that there are a lot of appreciative souls out there, they 
just aren't all sad obsessives like i would consider myself to be.

    Despite the fact that it's my first post and i run the risk of 
getting myself thrown back into the nursery and list mummy throwing 
away the key, I have to add a gratuitous plug for my boyfriend's band 
Kitsch (still can't decide if i like the name) who are playing at 
Manchester's Night and Day Cafe tomorrow night-Tuesday 19th. They are 
in fact actually surprisingly good,(and you would be surprised by 
this if you met my boyfriend, who i recently caught wearing a nirvana 
t-shirt with a cardigan, but that's another story) If anyone does go, 
I'll be the really ott sparkly person, possibly with fur trimmed 

    Huge apologies for that, but i'm being forced to do a big pr job 
on everyone i meet, and i already feel like i know you guys so well, 
but i promise i won't do it again, well not for a while anyway :)

  I'm sure that by now no-one is actually reading this because i've 
gone on far longer than i meant to and if any of you are anything 
like me then your attention span will be far too short to cope with 
hefty emails, so i shall leave you safe in the knbowledge that you 
will be hearing from me soon.

    stay beautiful,  fiona

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