Sinister: sinister: turn write now
pixiemeat2 at
Tue Oct 19 10:44:01 BST 1999
Come on give us a try... Degrassi Junior HIGH.
(the last word must be sung with an upward lilt loudly for full degrassi
After Degrassi High, all the kids at my school thought Canada was *the*
coolest place,(and I'm led to believe that it is quite lovely),and used to
walk around with ( quite appalling) Canadian accents, although I was
chatting to the little brother of a friend the other day and trying to
explain what it actually was .He had not a clue. The younger generation will
never understand the magic that was Degrassi :)
The banned book debate was rather intriguing, the last thing that there was
controversy over in Australia was the film 'Sick: The life and death of Bob
Flanagan super masochist'. But they still let it through, although one can
only see it if one is over 18. Funnily enough there was no controversy over
the film "Happiness", which I'm led to believe is slightly 'worse' (in the
context of censors,(for lack of a better word)) in content. A laughable
incident occured though when a play based on DH Lawrence's 'Lady Chatterly's
Lover' came to Perth last year or so, and certain people were using the same
arguments for banning the production here as they were when the book was
first published. Didn't happen of course, because we don't live in the 19th
century or so anymore.... Funny thing censorship, quite an arbitrary
At least B&S hasn't been in any danger of being censored... (seamless link).
That was kind of pointless as I actually have little to none B&S related
stuff to say.... ummm....that Tigermilk's a cracking good album ain't it?.
Laura Llew wins prizes* for the lovely subject line
"like telling e. e. cummings to use caps. Would he listen? No. Little n.
Little o"
I once wrote an essay on ee cummings and decided to fittingly not use any
capitals. However, I realised if I did that then I'd have to not use
conventional punctuation, and space rather erratically. Might have been a
bit of a mess, perhaps, so I scrapped that idea. Could have started a craze,
though I sincerely doubt it.
I apologise for a long winded post about little, I will try to be more
restrained and lurk for awhile.
*not confirmed
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