Sinister:"Dreamt I was a fireman, I just smoked and watched you burn..."
Robyn Fadden
rfadden at
Tue Oct 26 21:06:35 BST 1999
what we talk about when we talk about belle and
Lists and list traffic
Sometimes it's bumper-to-bumper and sometimes it's
open highway. But if you ride your bike, there's
always wind in your hair and you can coast on by and
occasionally stop to look at the view. This isn't
necessarily an analogy, I was just thinking about
cars. That is an analogy... A list is quite the
strange organic thing.
where have all the jygsawdaves gone?
Dr. Who
when I was in a photojournalism class at uni, I would
always sing the dr. who theme song every time I went
through the tartus in the photo lab. or I would say in
a dramatic voice "the taaaarrrtus...". No one
understood. It was fun for me though.
Degrassi & Jump Street
Always thought Degrassi was crap Cdn tv, but watched
it anyway. Just like I watched the Littlest Hobo. So
bad, yet not U.S.-tv bad, just Canadian-low-budget
bad. There's a difference. Never saw any stars
though, but because 21 Jump Street was filmed in
Vancouver, I knew about 50 people in highschool who
either had bit parts or were extras, brushing the
likes of famesters such as Johnny Depp and Richard
Geco (sp? obviously not so famous now...) Hastings 10,
yum. Currently on a brie fixation.
Yum. Time to brag: I eat it *all* the time and I am
not rich by any means. This is because I live in the
"Pacific Rim" as businesspeople like to call it. All
you can eat sushi and $5.95 sushi specials w/ miso
soup! all over town. Divine food it is.
infp stuff
Labels. But it's true, belle and sebastian speak to my
infp self and upon first hearing them this was a great
surprise, even before I knew anything about infp and
other such personality acronyms.
Saw him sun oct 17. He is the greatest. There was
about an inch of dust all over the stage and
instruments. He did songs spanning all his albums and
danced like a hobo marionette. He told stories about
rats falling from buildings. It was a beautiful and
weird, amazing show. Plus, Tim Robbins and Susan
Sarandon were sitting 10 seats over and one row up
from us. Ooooh, big C celebs. But I forgot about them
as soon as Tom came down the aisle, shouting through a
megaphone and throwing glitter dust. The crowd went
Poetic poop all over my virtual apartment. I've been
meaning to gather it up and plaster it on the list,
but traffic has been high and poetry is apt to be
ignored, no matter who the poet. The poetry
pterodactyl still flies overhead though, threatening,
Soap and Beauty
Fight Club affected me, oh yes. I went off on mental
tangents and couldn't leave my seat. Ikea always did
scare me anyway.
American Beauty is completely amazing. Kevin Spacey
stuns me. And the writing is excellent. And all the
deep reds, ooooh.
Alice in Wonderland
I just fell for the flu shot scam (it was free b/c I
work in a hospital) and they gave me a candy and an
extremely twee sticker of a bear holding two pink
balloons and bending down to pick up a third he's
dropped. I don't understand. I put it on my computer
Alice in Wonderland warped my fragile little mind. My
dad thought it was bedtime reading for seven year
olds. I am glad he did. Through the Looking Glass got
a little beyond weird though. I will have to go back
and reread now that I've done all the necessary drugs.
Out of all four seasons, I choose autumn. Sorry
summer, winter and spring, but you're just not up to
Love Robyn
(Pocketbook Angel is a nice song, isn't it?
Talk of all the things she sees...)
I was reading the dictionary. I thought it was a poem about everything. ~Steven Wright
Robyn Fadden rfadden at Vancouver, BC
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