Sinister: TGW-�a commence- Tindersticks-The Monthy Pythons-More...

Jordi Trenzano i Vilar jordi-tv at
Wed Oct 27 09:04:10 BST 1999

Hi, more than 1100 sinisters:

	First of all, a relative surprise. There´s a cinema in Barcelona that whenever I come they´re playing great music 
before the movies. I remember Cat Power, Velocette and Morrissey´s "Vauxhall and I" being played some months ago, but 
this time it was ace: nothing else than The Gentle Waves. I know that it´s not quite important for the list, but it made me a 
bit happier. Maybe I should try to ask who decides such brilliant music selection. This is also the place where I saw "Love 
and other catastrophes" about a year ago, and i do remember it too as an australian film. 
	At this cinema I saw "Ça commence aujourd d´hui" , a great film.  For me the best parts of the movie were the 
short performance of the drunk & poor mother. I can´t say that I almost cried, because it´s not truth. That´s a problem, 
maybe, i´m becoming too cold. The fact is the movie was great, as well as "Capitan Conan". 
	In other topics, I saw the wonderful double bill of Arab Strap + Tindersticks at the lovely "Palau de la Musica". I liked 
the new haircut of Stuart Staples. But the songs of their latest doesn´t make me feel really excited. Oh, and Isabella 
Rosellini was interviewed in a spanish TV two days before, so the 99% of us were waiting for that wonder that is "a 
marriage made in heaven". But it didn´t happened. I thought about buying theDonkeys boxer-shorts that were on the 
merchandise site, but I found them too expensive. Oh, Arab Strap sounded much better than in album. I must insiste : Is 
there any secret rivalry between him and our 8 bellos ? 
	Oh, and a satellite TV is broadcasting the "Monty Python´s Flying Circus", which is one of the best TV series that I 
´ve ever seen. It made me feel a bit embarrassed when I saw the sketch about the "poet" Ewan McTeagle, in which draws 
the scots too badly. 
	It´s a shame that I didn´t kept the list latest messages. Arantxa said that she tried to look detached when we saw 
the Belles on Rye, but it was not my case. In fact, every little detail that is able to remind me of such day (a 26 of april) 
mades me remember the whole thing, and every time that this happen I become 5 years younger (or more, maybe). I 
can´t give no further explanations but saying that, this april 26th, I became really 10 years younger. I had the illusion of a 
kid with new shoes (I don´t know if you use this expression, sorry). 

Well, I´m hoping for the forthcoming Hefner gig here. Oh, I bought "Who´s afraid.." and the new version of "Up a tree.." 
(not the Pulp remix) reminds me of the opening tune for the spanish version of "Sesame street". It´s not that I find the 
song bad, all the opposite. And "Who´s..." it´s, by far, the best Looper song. It´s wonderful. 

Did I mentioned Pulp ? Jarvis ? wasn´t he at Camber sands ? Oh,......

Best wishes for everybody

Jordiet Sinistre

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