Sinister: Prettier dead or just more attractive?

Mark Casarotto Mark at
Thu Sep 2 16:04:12 BST 1999

Having had a few glasses of wine at lunchtime (my boss's birthday! ¾ hour
extra lunchbreak!), I feel less guilty about personal emailing (did you
ever? asks half the list). So here's a question which isn't relevant to many
of you, but there must be some...

College radio. I always imagine the typical college station would sound like
the new XFM (NOT London's only alternative), which is almost entirely not a
recommendation. Lots of quirky Weezer-type stuff and alternativerock, the
most evil word in the cosmos. (XFM is the same, only centred on the life and
works of Symposium). But I know I'm being prejudiced, and by the sound of
it, there's lots of worthwhile stuff that you'll only get to hear on college
radio. Anyway, to the point. Is there anything similar here in London? When
I was at Warwick, I DJed on W963 ("the best in student radio", or somesuch),
and though the listening figures usually hovered around single figures,
occasionally we'd get a temporary FM licence and I was able to bask in the
thought of upsetting old ladies as far away as Kenilworth and Solihull with
Huggy Bear and Th' Faith Healers. Probably. Anyway, as you'd expect, my show
was just fantastic, and if there's anything like that on the radio it'd be
nice to tune in occasionally.

Anyway, back to lunch. We were happily getting tipsy and reducing the chance
of getting any work done this afternoon, when this dodgy looking junkie (and
I SWEAR I'm not being rude if I say he looked a bit like Martin Robinson,
except not as handsome) waltzed (not literally, come on, keep up) into Café
Flo and nicked loads of cash from the till! Despite me sitting nearest the
door, I managed to dozily not have a clue what was going on until he'd fled
to the next county, just about, but it was quite exciting anyway. I also got
to buy my boss a b'day present (not a bidet, sadly), and did such a good job
I was asked to be a personal shopper for the head of the legal department.
My methods of not knowing how to choose between 3 or 4 items, getting in a
huff, snatching a further item and flouncing up to the counter, only to find
that it costs twice as much as all the others, evidently works. Which is a
bit of luck, considering how bloody awful I seem to be at script editing
children's television...

Robin, your campaign to reissue old classics sounds simply spiffing. Top
hole, as we say in England :-) But I'm sure Nick was joking about Hurley's
Having Dreams. Or at least I hope he was joking...

Marcus - The Delgados were a wee bit disappointing at Bowlie I. Sterile
would be a better word. They sounded mostly like they do on record, but
without the quality of the sound. So pretty good, but not uplifting or
anything. Maybe they'll kick to kill (cheers) next time. Hope so.

Brian Conley tickled me by not only accusing me of naming myself after
morbidly depressive Americans, but also by mentioning the Roisin Dubh in
Galway. On my (so far) one and only trip to Ireland in 1994, we finished off
the final evening of the holiday getting merrily slaughtered in the Roisin,
even going as far to buy a kebab made from DOG (it WAS so) from the only
non-abrakebabra kebabbie in Ireland. Ah, memories.

I can't be alone in wondering when Honey will stop teasing us and ACTUALLY
put some visual smut up on the revamped, not-quite-new-and-improved sinister
site. I suggest we all vote on who off the list we'd most like to see in the
buff, and then use the edict of the People's Democratic Republic of Sinister
to demand saucy pics. I'll get the ball rolling with nudey shots of
CarsmileSteve, please.

And finally, I must give massive props to Keith, who can't possibly be as
sound as he, erm, is, for the provision of a lilo for the night. Best
supporting props go to the really rather sexy Ally Cook, with whom I hope to
be sharing a bed, ahem, room, at Bowlie II (grrrrrr...), Ailsabelle for
being Ailsabelle, and the whip-totin' Sheeny for having almost as little
hair as me. Cheers.

Now listening (in my head): Barbara Dixon & Elaine Paige. Mmmm.

Turning Japanese to English,
Mark xxx

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