Sinister: may Godspeed for me tonight...

deb s seyfert7 at
Mon Sep 13 22:55:37 BST 1999

Well, I've been dreading this day for awhile now. Returning to work and 
university in the same day after five months of summer laziness.

I had to get up at 5am, which I haven't done in, well...I've never had to 
get up that bloody early before.  The birds weren't even chirping yet.  The 
sun wouldn't rise for another two hours.  I got to the pool 
( of employment for almost five years now) and was calmed by 
the weird serenity of the motionless pool surface.  I had to turn on the 
fake smile early, when not even two minutes into the  earlybird lane swim a 
patron cmoplained that the buoy line was bouncing too much and making her 
dizzy.  I didn't think it was the line...but I told her I'd see what I could 

After that I had the pleasure of watching a group of 75 year olds dance 
around the pool attempting 'aqua-fitness'.  I didn't know whether to laugh 
(just picure it...old people...dancing...bathing suits) or cry cause they 
were all probably more fit than me.  I could just barely lift my arm to 
politely cover my yawns all morning.

Five hours of watching people drag themselves back and forth through the 
water followed.  Adding to that excitement was a terrible/painful sound 
track.  A city mix station, barenaked ladies, guns n roses, goo goo dolls 
and the likes.  That's all we're 'allowed' to have on.

But alas, I'm off to my first uni class of the year and then on to Godspeed 
Your Black Emporar.  I'm sure they'll erase all memories of today.  
Unfortunately they're not playing 3 times a week for the next five months.  

How will I survive all this?

*sigh* I just don't know........


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