Sinister: curling up inside my private tortoise

robhalcrow at robhalcrow at
Mon Sep 20 19:41:07 BST 1999

   I know Bjork is a mad elfin pixie Icelandic songstrel but that there lyric is the blinkin' bonkers barmiest line ever. That is unless you know different....Cyril. 
  This is another of my fascinating if sporadic peeks into the world of Digital TV. If you can get UK Play then have a look at "Mark and Lard's Pop Upstairs Downstairs". It's a pop quiz based on University Challenge except the 2 teams really do sit one above the other (if you were unaware of the illusory nature of Bamber/Paxman's set up I'm sorry to disabuse you of it... and about Father Christmas... oh never mind). One team is supposed to be posh while the other is comprised of scallywags and ne'er-do-wells. Anyhoo the point of this long and boring paragraph is that the other day the 2 teams were Snow Patrol (posh ones on top) (ooer) and Astrid (scumbags down below) (ooer again). Unfortunately you never can tell who they're having (blimey) but no doubt it will be repeated. This is UK Play after all. So if you are so inclined/obsessed and can see Digital TV then watching every single episode should see you sorted on the Astrid/ Snow Patrol front. I should here mention a Mark &!
 Lard website looked after by arch B&S fan and Bus Stop editor Kristen Bailey but I don't know its address. 
   For those of you who were raving about Angelica let me say I saw them the other night at The Barfly and they were better than that kitten song led me to believe. I was standing outside wondering what was (and still probably is) the quickest route to Camden Town tube station so I asked this blonde girl. She was very smiley and apologetic saying she didn't know cos she's from sunny Lancashire (?). I thought she worked behind the bar. How surprised I was to see her playing guitar with Angelica half an hour later. I was really there to see Rosita and they were v.good. Best gig I've seen 'em do. 
  I'm going to see the Mighty Arab Strap on Thursday at The Union Chapel. I'll be alone as I don't know anyone who likes them so if you fancy meeting up with a pretty shy but (hopefully) friendly chap then give us an email. 
  Can anyone tell me is "New Paths to Helicon" on Mogwai's "Ten Rapid"? It's my favourite by them (ever since Bowlie which practically blew my head off- even the tough Glaswegian hecklers next to me were stunned into head shaking silence) but I haven't got it.
  Finally, list crush. Do you know what it's like to never have been even thought of as a suggestion for a half baked nomination on the list crush site? Can you imagine such a thing? The anguish? The ignominy? Knowing that no-one in all God's creation cares 2 farthings for you? Being despised in all quarters, hounded from pillar to post like a cur stricken with the crawling lurgy? Still nevermind, eh? Mustn't grumble. Keep yer pecker up.
  Right, I'm off.
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