Sinister: abbrev. +/- 2 b :-( , :-) & $-) . U ?
Nik Ovenden
nik_ovenden at
Mon Apr 3 22:00:46 BST 2000
n e 1 l's ¦-| w/ t' abbrev. e.g. LLPJ, FYHC,YWLAP &
TIJAMRS? Y? N? am/pm 2 X & write coherently!
sorry, it's late and i'm snowed chance of
escape from shipham. AAAGHH! Abbreviations are the
scourge of the lazy people, and those who like
i like cods better. they're just so confusing, and
impossible to write an entire email in!
peach smints are great and i'd like to say anyone
going to the all tomorrow's will be smited with a
giant fireball if i dont get there. Sorry, i know
that's not entirely fair, but i am not one to piss
This list is very efficient! it took select ages to
print the Belle And Sebastian album track listing! I
am notably impressed, for one scared of so many
the tape tree thing is a good idea, go for it!
Biros and lollipops also rule. They're both great for
bored people. Lollipops are better though, they taste
Alfie are great - anyone going to bootleg their all
tomorrow's set? please say yes...
I need to say something worthwhile. You won't hear
from me again, i'm turning buddhist NOW.
'New paths to helicon part 1' is one of the most
beautiful songs i have heard in a long while.
and easy rider is the best film i've seen in ages.
and good luck to vikki in (re)fnishing her essay, poor
lass...never trust you metallic box with bits of
plastic in...
Sorry again.
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