Sinister: black fox

julesmarkham julesmarkham at
Sun Apr 9 17:12:34 BST 2000

hi guys,
well, this weekend has been pretty vile. A funeral, a family fight and a
rejection letter from the postgraduate course I applied to. So you folks
will be stuck with me for another year...
I wrote this last night. This has had no edits, no rewrites, I thought you
folks would like to see a rough version of a story of mine.

 Jubilee and the fox were taking the griffin for a walk in the woods. It was
a few hours before dawn, and even the birds were silent. Jubilee let the
griffin off it's leash, and sat down on a tree stump beside the river that
ran through the woods. The griffin followed the water downstream to a small
pool, where fish swam. The leaves on the tree's were turning gold, and the
gentle breeze stirred the sleepy autumn warmth around the griffins
outstretched wings. Jubilee was starting to dose off when the fox shouted
out to her. She got up and wandered over to the pool, where the fox sat,
staring at the water.
-What is it, fox?
Jubilee looked into the water. The pool was filled with small, quick fish.
When they leaped out of the water their shapes seemed to blur. They looked
like butterflies. Jubilee smiled.
-What are they?
~possibilities, the fox said with a shrug  ~They might be songs, or stories
or something one day, but right now they're just potential.
The griffin wandered over, sniffing the water curiously. A fish touched the
surface and the griffin scooped it out onto the riverbank. It shimmered
slightly, and for a moment looked like a blue dragonfly. The griffin
snapped, and it was gone. Jubilee was angry with the griffin for eating the
fish, until it slid its beak under her hand and purred softly. she scratched
its chin, her anger forgotten. She trailed her fingers in the water in a
continuous movement, curve after curve. Her reflection pushed her coppery
hair out of her eyes. Jubilee stopped. The reflection continued to play with
her hair, curling it around her long fingers thoughtfully.
-Fox? Who's that?
The fox glanced at the image in the water.
~That's us.
-But there's only one person there, Jubilee replied.
The fox said nothing, and wandered further upstream, looking up at the
lightening sky. The clouds were burnished with gold, it was going to be a
nice day.  jubilee watched the fox and the griffin further along the waters
edge, and got up to follow them.
The fish flickered through the waters, dreamers and dreams.

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