Sinister: I've spent days hiding under my bed / I've had boys throwing rocks at my head

Stevie Troussé poetryplace2 at
Fri Apr 14 13:25:02 BST 2000

What ho!

You know, comrades, some times you come back from a weekend festival of
esoterrorism feeling like you've lost that spring in your step, that extra
yard of pace, that giddy infatuation with all things P!O!P!. You feel like a
jaded 30something covered in mystery bruises. But then you receive a
cut-out-and-keep mini-Baxendale in the post, and find yourself legging it
across town having received the last minute news that the Montgolfier
Brothers are playing at the 12 Bar.... and all is right in the world.

Thanks to everyone who has written in about ATP. I feel I have a slightly
firmer grasp on the events of the weekend now. If anyone has any pictures
and would like them displayed somewhere, send them to me, and we'll do a
little photo-essay on the papercuts website some time.

Nice to see Peter Miller emerging from whatever rock he has been hiding
under. Matt Bianco, eh? My Sidmouth correspondent maintains that it was one
of his schoolfriends that rang in on that fateful Saturday Superstore
appearance. But he also tells me that he likes that last Kevin Rowlands
record, so I'm not sure if I believe him. Talking of washed-up 80s popstars
(Rowlands/Bianco - not Tim Hopkins) did anyone else see the news on Saturday
that Steve Strange (the Simon Price of the 80s) has been busted for
shoplifting? He was caught trying to nick a tellytubbies doll. In court he
asked for a few other offences including stealing a Boots make-up kit and a
lady's jacket to be taken into consideration. Can you imagine any greater
loss of dignity? I look forward to reading of Marilyn's descent into the
shady world of Pokemon smuggling. I imagine he would be a jigglypuff boy.

Interesting to read of the the involvement of far-east gambling cartels in
South African cricket. You must have made a mint, Ooooooooon.

I might see some of you at the Spearmint/Baxendale gig tonight. I will be
the one in the diamante hairslide.


Stevie Troussé
papercuts: the magazine for girls, and boys who want to be girls

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