Sinister: I saw your arms in a dream
Emily Wilska
wilska at
Mon Apr 24 21:27:53 BST 2000
Allo, allo.
While I am generally content to sit back and just read the words that flow
from your fingers into my Inbox, sometimes--just sometimes--I am inspired to
This, alas, is one of those times.
A long, long way back, in the midst of the fascinating What Has Italy Ever
Done For Us debate, Daniel Hopper wrote this:
And what about Frank Stallone with "Eye of the
Ah, Daniel. "Eye of the Tiger" was the masterwork of Survivor, not Frank
Stallone. The Lesser-Known Stallone was responsible for another classic
hit, "Far From Over," that graced one of the innumerable Rocky soundtracks.
I am really, really sorry I know such things. They take up space in my head
that could otherwise be devoted to, say, remembering how to multiply numbers
greater than 4 and 6, or learning the names of world leaders.
Nick Dastoor sent along an article about the autobiography of Consuelo de
Saint-Exupery, including these lines:
They eventually separated but met again in Pau, southern France, during the
war, about a year before his death. "I wanted to kiss him, to take him in my
arms," say the memoirs. "He closed his eyes and murmured 'I would so much
like to sleep'."
For some reason, these seem like the most beautiful words I have ever read.
I cannot get them out of my head.
Fed up with my job, fed up with dealing with adult-y things like getting my
car fixed, fed up with a boy I went out with a few times (and, from all
signs, seemed to hit it off with) suddenly and inexplicably excommunicating
me, I am left with the desire to lie in the grass in my parents' backyard
with the smells of growing things in my nose and Belle & Sebastian in my
ears and a Sylvia Plath's journals in my hands and pretend, for a while,
that there is nothing else. Nothing else.
Instead, 3000 miles from said backyard, and obliged to at least attempt to
do some work today, I am left to watch from my window as San Francisco runs
about below me, to remember that all things sucky will eventually pass, and,
alas, to attempt to supplant "Eye of the Tiger" in my head with something a
bit less earworm-like.
Back into silence.
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