Sinister: The duke speaks
Nick.Dastoor at
Nick.Dastoor at
Tue Apr 25 18:32:22 BST 2000
Err yes, not to get at anyone, and maybe it's inevitable with 1200 unruly kids,
but I think it's no fun people spilling the beans either.
People managed to keep relatively quiet when the last album was released in
1892, and in my view it would be nice if this happened again.
I don't know why, but it's better if people are allowed to participate in some
kind of shared experience when the album comes out. If people with advance
copies go on about it too much then everyone else feels like it's old news when
they finally get a chance to post about it.
For some reason the idea of putting "WARNING - SPOILER" in the subject line
doesn't appeal either.
All this becomes rather difficult when the radio starts playing tracks, of
Perhaps honey would like to rool on this. Or drool, if he'd prefer.
Nick xx
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