Sinister: Cars, BarBeQues and Picnics Afar

David Strange Strange David1822 at
Sun Aug 6 20:28:10 BST 2000

I bet I was missed, like a golfer missing the last hole that could've won
him £90,000.

Don't you hate it when you arrange to meet somebody at a certain fast food
restaurant at
Victoria station in London and then find out there are 2 of these bloody
restuarents,GRRRR!. Still I got a GRATE Neutral Milk hotel from her, thank
you ever-

Select! published the Sturan car article about the lovely Max. I love that
article ever such
a lot it's so lovely & makes me feel warm and snugly inside. also no I know
I'm no critic
(I'll leave that to the rest of you) but it shows Stuarn relaxed and being
very honest in his
criticism of IYFS, which is still me second favourite B&S album, Tigermilk
being my
numero uno. The article almost makes my want a car, but then I'd have to
give up my
skateboarding & I can finally get up and down curbs so I'm quite proud of
elbows though are so scarred, oh I'd absouloutly love to tour the U.S in a
lovely old car
imagine what fun it would be?, maybe next year.

Talking of et U.S I hope I've not missed it but I hope all the N.Y listee
have a cool time at
there picnic,  I've always wanted to go , anyway I hope you all have/had a
lovely time.

Finally I'm so very happy as the one the only Sophie-Ellis-Bexter is back in
the music,
even if it is on a dodgy dance record. My goodness me she is so lovely and
cheekbones oh they are to die for.

I had alitle bit of a Lucy Alder turn last weekend at a BBQ I drunk a whole
bottle of Gin
with Tonic and lemon, it was so scrumptious, and I plan to do the same this
weekend, he,
he, he.

anyway I 'm off to buy some Gin

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