Sinister: art and pop
Tiago Romeu
cjromeu at
Mon Dec 18 22:42:01 GMT 2000
>>Pop Music cannot be fully debated and defended since it's
>>roots are in money and the blooming media. It's based in luxuries not
not only, but also, I suppose. today, pop is a bit more than that. if you
tune your radio randomly and your a song you've never heard, you can say if
it's pop music, even if you don't know by who and why it was made. it's a
bit more about forms rather than intentions. but I repeat : not only money
and blooming media, but also that.
>true...but then again, this could apply to any art form. i'm sure i don't
>need to point out that "art" as we know it today is largely a question of
>having your work stamped with approval from the correct source, of getting
>your work to a gallery... (puts on his reactionary hat) when someone can
>exhibit an unmade bed and be one of the frontrunners for the turner prize
>(yes, yes, i know that anything can be art but once you've had duchamp
>exhibiting a urinal and manzoni canning and selling his own shit that point
>has pretty much been made) and countless other people die in obscurity that
>shows how that game is one of luck, and being discovered.
and unmade bed it's NOT art and can NEVER be art, even if there's a whole
art gallery or museum, full of so-called artists or art critics waving
their hands in ecstasy, praising the slob for its genious.
roten culture, where art depends on whom you sleep with.
>the same can apply to any other form of art you choose to focus on. yes,
>there's plenty of it about, and those that are successful are frequently
>those that least deserve to be, but art is always going to be based in
>luxuries, not necessities... and its always going to be defined to some
>extent by pennies.. does this make all art undiscussable?
I'm sorry, I have to ask.
what is that PE you talk so much about ?
and jello's great and funny and drunk, but I still like him.
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