Sinister: The estate I'm in
Kenneth P Y Chu
kpc98c at xxx.UK
Fri Dec 1 21:44:44 GMT 2000
Wow, a few sinisters (and their pets) have really put their feet on their
pedals in their "who is the most avid B&(k)S fan" race with a few rapid fire
posts. So I thought I'll kicked my belle and (king) sebastian bus down a
gear as well and post, otherwise I'd become a lurker, and I don't want to be
one of those I can tell you.
Unfortunately no one ever sends me private e-mails so I can't reply to them
publically, hence I can only manage one post today. I hope I'll still be a
proper B&(k)S fan.
Hmm I feel horrible today, last Monday I didn't get told off by my supervisor
for doing no work for a change, and so what did I do after that, nothing!
Which is the problem I have done absolutely nothing this week, no work, nothing,
and now my whole weekend will be spent trying to do work, and failing, and I
will once again be told off.
What's worse, guess what, no one loves me, it's official. It's like the
opposite of the B&(k)S song on Tigermilk, but not like the manics song, cos
that's pants. Yes, I guess some things in the world never changes.
I'm a bit tender and tired this week really, and no, not like the manics song,
cos that's pants too. Too much work, too little time, too little smiles, too
many boos, not enough booze.
Before I make everyone sad, some happier things I guess, I have finally
finished recording a song, which is a nice thing to happen, but the song is a
bit sad, hmm... never mind.
I better go and do work.
Some happiness and Red Bulls
P.S.: I think Red Bull is grate
P.P.S.: Oh pants I forgot to put that ps on a seperate post
Boy done wrong again, hang your head in shame
and cry your life away, you'll be okay now.
- Belle & Sebastian
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