Sinister: jj72 vs bjork
Alex Jackson
theamazingyellowsneakers at
Sun Dec 3 13:37:52 GMT 2000
just thought I'd say I went to see jj72 last night and they were fantastic!
It's not often that bands play in my town, because people here tend not to
listen to anything so readily identifiable as music, so it's nice to see
some making an effort. I'm off to see Ash soon too, and the Bluestones in
Belfast on Tuesday!
Also, I'd like to ask if anyone else thinks one of the Waitresses in the
13th note looks a bit like Bjork, I mean, in a nice, qwite cute, way? I was
there for lunch with Amy Jackson last Saturday when in glasgee, and I just
had to write something akin to that on the back of the bill...
I think the java programming environment is sending me mad.
All the best!
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