Sinister: ...must...stop....drinking....soon...
Stephen Hewitt
shewitt at
Mon Dec 18 14:20:33 GMT 2000
oh my aching liver.
Christmas, eh? Just an excuse to get pished all weekend i reckon.
Unlike Mr Moore, I managed to arrive at the Bull & Gate just in time to
see the pines leave the stage, which was a shame, but the rest of the
evening was GRATE. Much nattering and discussion of the end of the
maker, and certain styooooodents getting (many) drinks bought for them
by older men, along with dancing to a rather sub-standard disco, better
than no disco though. To add to Dave's list of those in attendance Mr
Hopkins and Martini Robinson were also "in tha house".
Then it was back to rotherhide in a minicab, discussing the relative
merits of madonna, michael jackson and whitney houston with a very
friendly driver.
Saturday started with a greasy spoon (mmmmmm, bubble and squeak), and
then eventually on to Notting Hill, for the Bax (a band who seem to
divide this list into lovers and haters, more than any other apart from
possibly radi*head). Listees present included The Pinefox, Edna
Welthorpe, Mrs, GlamPam, Lixi, Mark Hester, Dafyd Strange, Big Stu (back
from peru), The delightful Ms Mcarthur, and, making a comeback more
surprising than lazarus, KEVAN COOKE. Later on we were also joined by
Sally M and Joey Reynolds. I was also accosted by Paul from Strange
Fruit who informed me that they have a picture of me dancing (quelle
surprise) at the last Strange Fruit which they are going to put on their
website, but which isn't there yet cos i've just had a look. The bax
were unfortunately marred by the sound system, which would have shamed a
school disco (I blame alan mcgee myself), but the sharing of pressies
and free cds with the audience more than made up for it, well that and
the eleventeen bottles of Troy (so flavourless, yet so alcoholic).
Despite the fact that no one came up to me to claim their prize (a
misguided idea of mine in the first place i think), the prizes were
still handed out liberally, i gave kisses to a lot of the people who
were there**. The good thing about gigs in notting hill for me is i can
get on the red bus back to oxford from notting hill gate, thus
eliminating the need for late nite pissed up tube journeys, which are
never pleasant.
**I'd like to point out that these were Hershey's chocolate kisses and
not snogs or anything, oh no, that's right out.
Then last nite I went to mrs carsmile's xmas work do, which was rather
fun, although i may have had one long island iced tea too many...
so now i'm going to sit at my desk and do as little as possible this
afternoon, then go home and get some sleep. Oh no, i've just remembered
I'm meant to be going to see terrorvision tonight, the horror...
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