Sinister: Debatable interest value in this one, folks...

Ailsa Ross ar981611 at
Mon Feb 7 19:11:37 GMT 2000

I think this may be slightly bending the "don't post unless it's of
interest to lots of people" rule as I have no idea whatsoever who is
going to be interested in this, but I just thought I should include the
general masses in this announcement as it would be quite a long list if
I just sent this to the people i thought may be interested, and I'd
probably miss someone out and they'd be offended.

Anyway, what I want to tell you is that (and I know this is going to
break some hearts, ha ha) on Saturday night I agreed to get married.  To
a bloke who doesn't like Belle and Sebastian.  At all.  But I don't care
one little bit about the shortcomings of his taste in music cos he is a
lovely bloke.  Which is obvious really or I wouldn't be marrying him. 
Eek.  I feel all grown up now.  I have a fiancé.  It's like having a
pension, or a mortgage.  Or responsiblities.  No wonder people want to
remain kids forever.

I'd like to say something else so that the rest of you who don't even
know me will think I am great and witty and stuff, and not just the sort
of person who mails to tell you dull personal things you don't give a
toss about, but I have nothing to say.  You'd know it was a lie anyway,
as you're all dead good at reading the archives and stuff.

Do you think Stuart would sing at my wedding?

Ailsa xx
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