Sinister: and what would you like mark to do (other than shut up)

Boygirlorder . joefri714 at
Tue Feb 15 05:28:42 GMT 2000

well I am once again..typing a post that will ceartainly run 
far too long, go overbudget, and end my sinister post career (hopefully in a 
blaze of glory full of whores, coke, and swimming pools full of champagne).  
in any case ive noticed a few people expressing different ideas of what 
their sinister is…and what they like to see…and likewise what they dislike 
seeing in a post..being the accomodating soul that I am, I have made this 
post choose your own adventure…of course if you fail to read it start to 
finish (which, subsequently I don’t recommend…the shits long !) all temporal 
unity will be thrown out the window…but what the hell..its in good company 
with my grammar, spelling and good judgement.  Anyway….just follow the 
numbers to what you want to see happen…(I still recommend the old fashioned 
way…but adventerous once)..if you choose your own adventure you are 
in for some scrolling!!…..its all done with..but we can pretend…cant we?


so…that stuart david huh?….(no im not just mentioning this cause its been 
said that very few did! dare you say that)  I think it’s a shame that 
ill never get to see our lovely band in its entirety live, but im just 
hoping the big move will mean that mr. david will use his freed up time to 
give us more material….be it musical or literary….and I like to see that the 
band wont replace him..just deal…that’s always a nice thing to see…I guess 
maybe they’ll be a little different…maybe not…well have to wait and 
see…..and wait…and wait…*sigh*

		[4] send mark to make enemies with his liver
		[3]send mark along americas golden highways
		[end] get the fuck out


my friend had her birthday this weekend…and we had a discussion about 
getting older…and its not getting older that gets people..its getting 
old…maybe the time of your life between 18/20 is the real life “and then one 
day” …up until then its all set up, background information….character 
sketches and intoductions…then we hit the gate….”and then one day”…the 
beginning ends, the middle begins, and we try to keep the end from rooting 
into the ground…and if a life were a day..sunrise would be at 18…theres two 
times a day that you can look directly into the sun…sunrise and sunset….the 
day is long….but then  we realized that we were just a pair of stupid drunk 
twits who don’t know shit about dick…much less the lives weve yet to 
live…youth are pompous…lives arent stories..they arent analogies..they never 
will be..ill stop now.

		[7] hear news of the coming DOOMSDAY!
		[12] VD (and it is a disease)
		[end] enough already


loaded up the car with my dirty clothes and a few fun things and headed out 
on to the great us highways…headed for home for a weekend of plans plans 
plans…plans never work…tolls + gas + food + oil = empty wallet…driving foot 
on the gas..a wee bit to hard…stereo up a wee bit too loud…having far too 
much fun….reveling in the dirty looks from my fellow motorists as I shout at 
them : “I DON’T LOVE ANYONE!”….soaking in the greasy stares of the tollbooth 
workers as I breeze in and out of their little piece of heaven…neither 
turning down the stereo nor paying them any attention (my money is 
enough)…realizing that an english degree is foolish..i need to be a bus 
driver..or a cabbie (I can see it now..ill take up smoking and being rude to 
pretty young girls)…ill work on that after I receive my doctorate in cold 
rockin it!!!

		[5] witness llewd acts on city streets
		[9] see mark get insulted
		[end] I know I suck


returned home just in time to get a free meal and lecture from the ‘rents…I 
love chicken…made it home about one hour too late to make it to the will 
oldham show like I had intended so I did a blanket search of southern new 
jersey for something to do..not surprisingly it took me a while to find the 
fun….but eventually I managed to alienate my liver from all of my other 
organs….spent the night drinking..smoking and playing crazy taxi…(its an 
omen)….pretending I wasn’t missing a great show…

		[11] witness mark at his white trash best
		[6] observe flying pastries and the consequences
		[end] still here?


a while back someone mentioned seeing things you were embarrased to speak 
about…(hey I only {thank god} once a month…I know im behind..but no 
one seemed to run with it anyway)..well once I was coming up from the subway 
in lovely philadelphia…as I climbed the stairs a pair of legs glided into my 
ken…no…a team of legs….so I says to myself I says “HUH?”…I continue climbing 
with a slight sense of curiosity….which was quickly replaced by a burning in 
my tummy as I spied two VERY LARGE men having anal sex right on the 
sidewalk…it must have been nice to be having so much fun that they didn’t 
care about their surroundings one bit

		[8] hear mark bitch about snow
		[7] the end is nigh!
		[end] just stop it you pompous whore


picture:  four young men driving around late night in suburban new jersey 
with very little to do…while stopped at a red light, one of said four young 
men decides to hurl his half eaten jelly donut at a very large pickup truck 
stopped in front of the very small car he is a passenger in…..the donut is 
thrown..the rednecks are pissed..the boy is pummeled.. the hicks drive 
away….this my friends, is the glamorous life I lead….i just 

		[12] be mine
		[2]you wanna hear trite rambling…this is the way to go
		[end] yeah…you know the way out


of all the damns around the world…there is less water around the equator and 
the world is spinning at a different rate……SCARY!

		[8] isnt it cold outside
		[end]let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya


im very sick of winter…the snow is no longer romantic or pretty..its just 
dirty……very dirty and gross…although dirty snow does give me fond memories 
of driving with my father to massachussetts as a kid….seemingly awake…but 
not blinking..dead tired…listening to denise williams’ “lets hear it for the 
boy” over and over…..but I digress …spring come soon.

		[1] B&S content? huh?
		[11] (for symetry) mark wants to bowl!!
		[end] ive had it with your monkey business


fade in

mark, our protagonist, enters stage right.  he is just in from the chilly 
new jersey evening.  he carries a song in his heart and a backpack 
containing a bag of snacks.  he is parched from the long drive to what 
promises to be a rather pathetic gathering of slight acquaintences.  as he 
begins to pour his refreshing bevvie, a frothy root beer, he notices:

brian, our antagonist, enters stage left.  brian, a newly gay young man, 
loud in composure and pompous in attitude, approaches our hero.  he carries 
with him his ever present “beat reader” and a slinky he has deemed the “gay 
pride slinky.

brian: so are you trying to look intellectual or is that just a side effect 
of college?

mark here explodes in a tirade of explatives and near attacks…..the camera 
zooms out slowly and fades to black

		[2] bullshit about growin up
		[5] anal sex anyone (I hear it’s a lie!!)
		[end] get me away from here im dying


guess who went to see the clientele….yup…little old me..arent I just too 
fucking hip..but they were very good…and they played at my friends school…so 
I got a nice visit in as well..yay me!

		[3] kinda like a springsteen song
		[4] whats wrong with my liver
		[end] just stop it


ok so my college has decided that no longer will it offer the time tested 
fun activity of bowling..(keep in mind I go three times a week)…they have 
decided that is no longer in demand….instead they are going to tearup the 
lanes and replace them with a fancy shmansy coffee shop….see…there are 
already at least 9 places to get a cup of coffee on campus…why my bowling 
ally..ill tell you why..cause nowhere else offers all the little pretentious 
pukes a place to be hip and smart and better than me….yes im bitter….haiku:

cofee isnt "smart"               your peacoat is blue
and dear god neither are you     with all that coffee, maybe
would you please fuck off        your heart will go boom

see!…I could be “intellectual” too…love me!..but let me bowl

		[9] how rude
		[10] just to prove that mark is hip…
		[ end] you know the way out


valentines day was today…people seem to repulse me these days…cept the ones 
I like ….i don’t contradict…of course not…since I knew today was 
going to be harsh…I put on my favorite old shirt..ive had it since I was 
12..its not holding up too well…but ya know…comfort clothing….my socks have 
litle roses on them…and I didn’t even plan that..yay me!…at my school they 
tied red baloons all across the railing of this one bridge…bye noon they 
were all deflated and popped…I thought it looked rather poignant, till I 
realized they were just baloons..

		[10] to reenforce my hipness
		[end] youre so close anyway


well that’s it…marks post for this month…(quite possibly the last..this was 
a bad idea)…but hey…I just wanted to say hello to all of you…and now I will 
crawl back into my hole….oh yeah…will porter told me to post this….ITS ALL 
WILLS FAULT…..oh well…im off to go hit on julie some more….have a nice 
everyday...ya know...this post will probably get all screwy anyway when i 
send it in...i suck

                                  /me HEART’S sinister,

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