Sinister: Christian's and where did those lions go?

Alexander Borgia alexander.borgia at
Wed Feb 16 03:37:21 GMT 2000

Happy Valentine's.....sorry I am a day late but something came up

What follows is a really long diatribe upon the subject of Christianity
and Homosexuality. I doubt if you will find anything offensive in it,
but you may find it exceptionally boring. I had really hoped that this
subject would go by without me feeling the need to comment, but ah hell,
maybe I can do some good.  I guess I should qualify myself first though.
I speak entirely without authority and this is my opinion. Feel free to
accept or refuse it, but I do not wish to argue it. I really want to go
back to writing dirty stories involving stuffed bears and other stuff
that doesn't make sense.

A little bio so you know what direction I am coming from, I should also
note that I share the name of the Pope who was there when Columbus
arrived in the New World. He was also the only Pope to balance the
Vatican's books and was involved in sexual scandal his entire wife. I do
not think I will ever best him because is claimed to have had relations
with 3 generations of women. I guess that makes me only prince of the
cheap internet crowns keep falling away.

I am a heterosexual Roman Catholic that was raised in Montreal and
attended both Catholic and Public schools until one day I decided to
stop going at around grade 10. I took one university credit course and
that was called "Man's Religions" at the University of  Western Ontario,
King's College. (I passed) I was tested by the Governement of Canada for
educational equivalency and as far as they are concerned I am a
university graduate . They also consider me as  meeting a journalism
degree. Although my education cost me only 500 dollars and a text book,
I have been reading since I can remember and considerable amounts of
history and religion. My particular interest has always been about
pre-Roman Celts in north western France which is where my blood comes
from, however, for the last two years I have been devoting all my
reading to the Second World War  and the Canadian involvement. (Normandy
was my family going home after 300 years)

I am deeply religious in the forms of Roman Catholicism as has my family
been before me. My mother is Anglican, but I was raised Catholic. At one
time I seriously considered becoming a priest, but I did not feel it was
my calling. My ex-wife (The Major's mom) is also RC and she had a
brother become a fanatical monk. For those in Ontario and Michigan,
these were the 3rd Order Franciscans kicked out of Lucan by the Bishop
of London and ended up in Michigan. My ex-brother-in-law was kicked out
of these robe and sandal wearing, cabbage eating, midget owning,
underwear sharing, freaks because even he was to nuts for them. I only
bring this up because I was brought up around priests who would tell a
pregnant couple to live together before marrying because of their
individual circumstances and my ex was brought up by the extreme Polish
version. I live in a community that is very Italian and Polish, so I
have been exposed to quite a bit of Catholism in my life.

I have been studying the similarities between Christianity and Celtic
religion as my primary interest. This has made me look at the influences
of Celtism upon Christianity. It would be impossible to do this without
looking at all the other religions at that time.

Honey says Leviticus....18:22 to be exact. Nice book, at the time it was
written it was a fantastic book because it was perfectly necessary. What
we see is a written record of an oral tradition that was a few thousand
years old. So that must be kept in mind.

Creationism versus Evolution. Guess what, both are right. The question
is more about whether you believe in God, in any form, or not. The book
of Genesis did happen exactly as described. Here is the explaination.

God created heaven and earth. Big Bang.

The earth was without form and void. It did not start out wrong.
Darkness was on the first the atmosphere did not allow light
onto the surface of the earth. Night and day? who can say when the earth
started rotating? The moon doesn't so it is possible that an asteroid
strike started us turning.

Firmament and waters did actually come next. because that was the
forming of the atmosphere, then came the oceans and continent called
Pangea (Bill Nye the Science Guy....Bill! Bill!)  Vegetation did come
next. Animals came next, then came humans. And now we are on the seventh
day. There is no use in arguing the semantics because basically it is
accurate and since what we are reading is based upon and an oral
tradition that was written a few thousand years ago, I think we should
be fucking amazed at how much they got it right. Remember, this comes
from desert nomads who had decided to take up shop in Israel.

Archaeology has pretty much proven considerable amounts of the Old
Testament as having occured. If we can't get an accurate and unbiased
account of history from 100 years ago, what makes you think that people
who were really bright, just good at surving, would be able to get this
done better. They explained the things the best that they can and you
have to accept that. We are talking about people who had the brains of
ten-year olds today.

Leviticus essentially is the framework of the religion at the time. It
brought out all the same things that we do now with our laws and it was
basically the rules that were necessary for the survival of the time. We
have been living in societies for 10,000 years and we haven't figured
out how to do it peacefully, so again why expect them to. The dietary
laws were just as sensible as our own which tell us to avoid giving
ourselves botchelism and salmonella. Their superstitions were no less
silly than ours tossing salt over our shoulder.

When you are a tribe of people wandering across a desert your life
expectnecy is not very long. Procreation is essential to the tribe's
survival. Think of it this way: You are in Egypt. You live in tents,
there is no water to wash, you have no toilet paper, you have no razor,
you have a foreskin, you have no tampons nor pads. This is not exactly
the easiest environment for creating life. The Judaic sex laws grew from
observation and not too much knowledge beyond the most basic on the
concepts of life. People engaged in anal sex risked considerable
infection and all kinds of complications. Oral sex? Get real.

After settlement in Israel when there was water and life was much
cleaner, things changed in a sense because they were exposed to other
cultures. Although living in cities now, the laws stayed the same. Much
of it based upon old taboos.

So if a Christian is going to look at the law of Leviticus, first of
all, look at the Commandments. More important was it to live peacefully
in society than anything else. The rest of the laws are supplemental and
are guides for living at that time. If a Christian invokes on law then
they must invoke them all. That includes dietary law and worship.

When Christ came around, the world was a very different place from at
the time of the camp-out. The Jews were writing the Talmud and got so
hung up on the most minute detail, writing reams and reams of scrolls,
that the message of Christ was that they were missing the Spirit of the

Christ was outpsoken on quite a few things and in particular
relationships. He pretty much talked about tolerance and love. Oddly, he
says nothing about homosexuality. I guess it wasn't a big enough deal to
him. The Greeks were not unknown for that kind of stuff and Christ spoke
Greek so.   Much of Roman Catholicism comes from the Pauline writings,
though. Well, Saint Paul never actually met Christ beyond the apparition
on the road to convert him. In fact, Saint Paul was on his way to "hit"
Jesus. Saint Paul had a hate on for women after his wife ditched him for
a Roman stud. So much of the RC position on relationships comes from a
bunch of misinterpeted rantings of a frustrated guy. But then, half the
books attributed to the tent maker weren't written by the same author.

The best place to look for guidance on the subject is the Gospel of
Saint John. That is pretty much the only Gospel that is written by the
person who actually witnessed the events as they took place. There is a
strong possibility that this was written by Lazarus, which would make
sense. The impression given when reading this story is that
homosexuality probably existed but nobody was overly concerned about it.
However you do not seem to get a glimpse of how it was factored into the
society. Depending on the period in time, the Romans more or less
tolerated it and it didn't really matter.

One of the things that Christ brought to the Jews, was basically the
direct line to God. The Jews at the time were in mortal fear of God and
there was no dialogue, just ritual. Christ brought love and dialogue to
Judaism and that pretty much formed the basis of Christianity. A few
Churches emerged in the and they all assumed some influences from local
religions. The essentially emrged as the Roman Catholic Church, the
Greek Orthodox and Church of England. All have differences in
interpretation, but we won't get into that. From these sprang our
current day Revelationists who are desperately awaiting the final days.
If they were to read what Christ said on the subject they would see that
they should get on with their lives as per intructions. Unfortunately
they are control freaks with very closed minds and very large
inflammatory mouths which the media loves to broadcast.

The Roman Catholic Church has been all over the place and it all comes
down to a one guy who had lead a life of debauchery coming out and
saying sex was bad. Things were back and forth ever since, but that
shadow doesn't help. Priests cannot marry because their possessions
would go to their wives and family upon their death instead of the
Church. A thousand years ago the clergy was a very lucrative business.

What Christ taught us when he sought to make changes was that our
relationship with God must be on the terms that we set with God as
individuals. The commandments will never change, but the other laws must
be fluid to meet the needs of our evolving society, the idea is the
spirit, not the mechanical. Just as eating pork will not be a serious
threat to us, neither now will anal sex, providing the proper care is
taken. Homosexuals must make their own terms with God and work things
out for themselves. Whether a person is born gay, or becomes gay is
incidental because they are gay and that will not change. God made the
animal kingdom have gays, considerably more than people think. Thus the
discussion as to the naturalness of it is moot.

Sex was the gift that God gave to humans, intelligence was the curse.
But Jesus preached love and one message me made abundantly clear: worry
about your behaviour in the eyes of God and keep your nose out of other
peoples. Every Christian has a personal relationship with God, who is
anyone else to go meddling in that? Delivering the message is not the
same as meddling. This is where the confusion happens because most
people don't look at the whole thing. Look for the answers with an open
mind and you will find the Truth. If you look for the answers without
knowing the questions, or having already decided then it will escape

If you have read this far you amaze me.


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