Sinister: hymn from a village...

Adam Chapman dunca_chap at
Fri Feb 25 16:02:19 GMT 2000

   Unless anyones already claimed it, i'd quite like to run the sinister 
village bus service, i mean no one would use it, but its kind of essential 
really, and besides, it'd give me an excuse to be rude to people who annoy 
me, which seems to be something of a specialism to those occupied in said 
occupation in Norwich [though they're SOO polite mostimes]. Failing that, i 
could run the multitude of sports facilities which seem to be in demand 
[Cricket, Basket ball, football even], unless actual experience disqualifies 
me [i *have* actually done these things...]. B+S content alert. No, really. 
I have to say i quite liked the stu d contrbutions, though i've not heard 
enough of Looper to really voice an opinion [i realise saying this may cast 
me into the outer darkness of tastelessness in some minds, but i'll miss him 
- in as much as someone who's never seen them live can], it'll be 
interesting to witness the difference [if any]... eventually.

Ting, ting!

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