Sinister: Sitting at the keyboard, wondering what to say first, I finally decide to say...

Kate Mulloy kmulloy at
Tue Feb 29 01:14:55 GMT 2000


(such begins my entrance into this ever-sinister world)

Having never had an opportunity to write until now, you must all promise to 
bear with me if I make a few mistakes...are you promising?...good.  I've 
studied and studied the rules with such zeal as to make my Calculus prof 
jealous but I may forget one here or there and I do hope that you'll all 
promptly correct me.

I'll describe myself (just a bit so as not to bore) because I always think 
in pictures (don't you?) and description lends itself most wonderfully to 
imagination...let's see...I run, I skip, I even prance on occasion, I'm 
continually in motion, either physically or mentally and hence tend to live 
in a continual stream of conciousness...I absolutely adore the cozy solitude 
of umbrellas, and ee cummings, (B&S of course), the smell of spring rain, 
and that sound of horse hoofs on cobble-stones. Personified, I'd have to be 
bubblewrap or something else that is completely frivolous yet useful to have 
around...hmmm...I guess that's all the important stuff.

Velocity!- I meant to compliment you on your most wonderful village...can I 
play a part as well?...Do you have someone to run the health food store?  I 
can be the resident tree-hugger as well if you wish...think of it! 
spend a summer wasting; selling granola, wearing Berkies, and hugging 
maples...Belle/Sebastian-- are you reading this now?  Think of what a 
wonderful song this village would make- we could become immortal!

Well, I'm afraid that I must
Submit finally to the tyrany of Microeconomics,

Love in 12pt font,
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