Sinister: Your telly sucks!
jarkko frantila
chamomile1 at
Mon Jan 10 07:32:26 GMT 2000
Wouldn't it be great if your girlfriend/boyfriend would be called Telly? ha.
Hello, goodbye, my blueberrypie... Yes, it's me, back to the neverending
cycle that is called "dullness". Now, I know what you're going to say:
"People under the stairs." You're weren't going to say that? Bugger. How
about "My petsheep says baaaa when she's in a bad mood." Not that either?
What the hell are you thinking about, then? Hmmm...
Went out this weekend, as I usually do. Saw this person who's sort of a
friends friend. Now, she's nice and all. She likes our band (Bay City
Rollers, that is), she's groovy, she's hip etc. But I have absolutely
nothing to talk about with her. Ok, on saturday we talked about B&S. That's
all we talk about. Ever. She had bought "3,6,9 seconds..." two weeks ago.
Me: "You like it?"
She: "Yeah, I think it's the best they've ever done."
Me: "Yeah, it is."
Me: "So..."
She: "So... You know about the new album?"
Me: "Should come out this spring."
She: "Oh."
Me: "Hmmm..."
She: "Yeah..."
I could go on and on. For five minutes we stood there going "erm..." and
"hmmm..." and "so..." and "Dippety whippety whippy..." and other things you
sort of say when you have nothing to say. Did that make any sense? The point
is, it's not nice to talk with someone when you have
nothing in common
nothing to say
a huge lobster in your pocket that is reching for your balls.
Not sure about the last one, but so I've heard.
Ooh, saw the new Pantene ad on television yesterday. "You& me song" by da
Wannadies on the backgound. Fucking hell. It used to be so that when I heard
that song it reminded me of the good ol' days. Now on I'll be thinking about
my curly hair and the lack of it when I get a bit older. My daddy started to
lose his hair when he was 23. So I've got... 8 months to go. ¤sob¤ (If
there's people here who are losing hair, please don't be offended. I know
that you are good and loving people all, even though you look like Krusty
the clown. Sorry, that's not very politically correct. I'll shut the hell up
What's the most "softest" curseword you can think of? Cottontoe. Go on, say
it. Oh, I don't mind you're in a library/work and people will stare at you.
Just say it. I know you want to. Cottontoe. "You silly ol' cottontoe!" Like
it, don't you? If any girl would want to offend me and would spit that out
of her mouth I'd want to please her orally.
If you made it this far, let me tell you: I adore you.
@--->---- Jake le PetitE, who's off to the dentist today. If I don't make
it, you all can share my cd's.
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