Sinister: Photos of insomniacs, doin' what they do best...
LookingDownward at
LookingDownward at
Thu Jan 20 09:08:14 GMT 2000
It's supposed to snow to-morrow. It's cloudy now, but it was a terribly
pretty night: cold and clear, a perfect night for a long walk; the moon
wasn't quite full yet, but through teary eyes it almost seemed that way. Hmm.
I need to work on that spontaneous crying thing. I need to get "hard". Any
It's a shame, though, as when I did my last bit of clothes-shopping, I was
banking on global warming coming quickly enough (a spurious bit of logic
designed to fritter away money on books full of recipes I'll never dare
attempt), so I've got nary a bit of wooly clothing suitable for making
snow-angels, which I've not done in years. That's as I don't have a lawn, but
I'm determined to find a bit of park whiteness to wade through to-morrow
morning, to get promptly soaked, and to *never* shake this sniffle I've got.
Kickball, for whomever asked, is just like baseball except it's played with a
large red rubber or foam ball (or a slightly deflated football if it's
handy), and you kick it in lieu of swinging a bat. The way we played it as
kids, though, was that instead of needing to use the ball to directly conduct
your negative energy to the base-runner, you could lob it at him to get him
'out'. The trouble with that was that the people who, I presume (I've since
moved far, far away) turned into the sort of people who made Woodstock '99
such fun, decided that the game was only fun when they were heaving the ball
at somebody's head--it didn't matter whose. They would miss more often than
not, and the ball would fly into the outfield, and the score would be so high
that it wouldn't matter anymore, 'cos it wasn't about who could kick the
ball, but who wasn't clever enough to get out of the way. Which was, too
often, me. But I grew up to getting spitballs thrown at me, and then,
eventually, rocks and lacrosse balls. And that was *before* the assumptive
homophobia entered..
I turned on VH-1's "The List" (which, for those of you that aren't familiar
with it, is a loosely arranged group of quasi-celebrities from television,
film, and music who debated the greatest something-or other in the history of
music, but from a quasi-defined, VH-1 friendly standpoint, all to be
ultimately subjected to the discerning insight of VH-1 viewers)--tonight they
were going over the greatest singer/songwriter; I nearly retched when they
axed Ray Davies from the list (not necessarily 'cos I'm a huge Kinks fan, but
'cos he was the most out-of the way of the list besides Barry Manilow... and
although I love Mandy and Copa Cabana as much as I'm sure everybody else in
the world does, my knowledge of his work is thus confined). There is a
point... I was absolutely swooning over this boy on the show in a leather
jacket whose name turned out to be Jason Falkland... and I think I read
somewhere that he's currently playing guitar in Air's travelling band. I'm
sure he must have done something else to merit his stand on the show with two
people from Ally McBeal and the Pink Power Ranger, but I dunno what. So,
please, I beg of all of you wonderful people, if you've got anything nice to
say about him, would you e-mail me it? I've a feeling I'll need some positive
opinion to reinforce my memories of what will most likely be a series of
relatively naughty dreams about him (which will most likely involve
peach-flavoured tea and apple-and-cheese sandwiches consumed from striped
cushions while XTC plays in the background..).
And I would like to echo Jim's condolences to anybody who's obligated to work
with the rabble. Unless of course one's in a such a spot where one's got a
deucedly charming old man standing behind oneself, singing into one's ear
charming French children's songs, such that one not only forgets the
immediate joy of difficult labour in the name of a good cause, but that one
also forgets the lingering resentment over having to get up at 5 in the
morning over holidays to work for several hours for nothing tangible but the
uncomfortable situation of picking at a salad one doesn't want to eat as one
tossed it by sticking one's arms in it up to the shoulders (the aversion is
expected to be stronger if one has particularly long arms) hours earlier,
while constantly reliving the sight and smell of USDA Grade-A beef being
taken out of government-issue tins (which, for those who have never
experienced it first-hand, is probably a topic for an entirely different post
on an assuredly different list). Or, naturally, any equivalent situation.
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