Sinister: bonnie prince sebastian
damien at
Wed Jul 12 02:20:26 BST 2000
hey all,
i remember talk a little while back of who you would like to see cover belle
and sebastian and i thought i would like to hear will oldham doing a cover of
"the state i'm in" .
can't you just imagine him elongating the opening "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii was suprised,
i was happy for a day.........."
but now the thought has creeped up on me that "i fought in a war" sounds very
much like a song that the bonnie prince would sing. if you read the lyrics on
a page, had never heard the song and had to chose between who out of bonnie
and belle had sung it, my bet is that you would place your money on prince billy
or whatever he is calling himself at the moment...
in other news, i moved to london the other week and had the wise idea of upgrading
my belle and sebastian badge from my pouch to my backpack, only for it to fall
off on its first day out.
but i have just started work for a new media group and on the rotating cd player
belle and sebastian occasionally pops up... not to mention hearing it in net
cafes around the way...
shopping in my local europa billy joel started funking it up out of the speakers.
it truly inspires me when he plays in shopping centers. happens allot in australia.
billy joel and the beach boys always seemed to pop up in the selection of tunes
at my local supermarket.. they are both great to shop to.. on the other hand,
a little while ago i was shopping in the local op shop and a Muzak version of
the smashing pumpkins was playing... this is not so good to shop to
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