Sinister: A Proper Summer Wasting
Brian Pennington
cellophanesky at
Thu Jul 13 20:59:33 BST 2000
After reading Grace's post about not spending a proper summer
wasting, I realized that I'm doing an excellent job of it. No job
(haha, no pun intended), just finished uni, writing songs, getting
probably the closest I've come to being drunk on my birthday (blame
my little brother), going swimming, driving about and taking
photographs. Summer's not so bad when you have centralized
air-conditioning and live with your parents. As long as it's only one
summer. One real that was last summer. I wonder if every
summer from here on in will somehow connect to an excellent popsong...
Next topic, Television Personalities. Whatever happened to
Dan Treacy? Last I heard he disappeared off the face of the Earth!
Was it just a fitting stunt, or did he really go missing? Did they
find him?
Meanwhile, back on singles 'til 2001 either, eh?
That's a bit of a shame, I was hoping for a Loneliness of the Middle
Distance Runner single as much as many of you. I recall somewhere
reading Struan thought it was the best song they'd written up until
that time. Oh well, patience is called for... I don't think this
isn't the 'indie' thing to do, apparently it's the 'Belle &
Sebastian' thing to do though. Hey, at least they aren't Kevin
Shields after all. We as fans have no right to clamor for quicker
release of songs. They're artists (like Koons, Monet and Dada) and
let them take their time.
Besides, I got a mailorder package today, and I must say this
is turning out to be an exceptional year for music and for new-ish
bands. Stars & Clientele EPs, new Trembling Blue Stars single, and
I'm aquiver waiting for the next Montgolfier Brothers album. Mmmm.
What's more, they just put out an album and single you know,
it's probably better to get the EPs to fill up the holes between
albums than it is to have them come out only when the albums do. Like
all of the prior EPs did. Am I the only one looking forward to the
impending tabs/piano music/lyrics books? I probably can't manage the
guitar parts but I think I can handle some of the piano parts. How
many bands put out books with piano parts? None I can think of that I
like, anyway. On come allegro, on come piano, on forte, on
pianissimo, on sfortsando (never knew how to spell that so I probably
butchered it, but it's the little sF). I'll be waiting with bated
Felt very productive today. I woke up relatively early for my
slugly summer-wasting ways, got a haircut. I think that's what it is.
All that hair's off my head so I can move it around quicker and think
faster, therefore getting more done. Must be it. And then on top of
that I got that package of records. John, I hope this Noonday
Underground 7" is good... and anyway, after seeing all the stylish
sleeves, premeditated prose introductions, photographs of Japanese
poptstars and hearing all the pop (dare I say P! I don't dare)
music, it just inspires me to get off my rear end and make something.
That and my hair being much lighter, of course.
Brian Pennington, aka Mick McMick | cellophanesky at | ICQ# 39021436
Sandcastle Records: <>
the Cellophane Sky:<>
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