Sinister: Careful with that currant bun, Madame Librarian
Will Porter
porterww at
Fri Jul 14 08:34:59 BST 2000
So, I was crying in a supermarket, when all of a sudden, Seymour Stein
started playing. Well, that turned out to be a dream. A dirty
dream. The second one of the night, at that.
I had just begun to wonder, "Why is this happening to me, I'm not a
child," when I ran smack into Judy and spilled her pharmaceuticals all
over the floor.
That was too much for me, so I strapped on my terry underwear and took a
bus home.
Well, I got hom just in time to wake up, only it turned out I woke up
right smack in the middle of a poem. But the weird bit was that it wasn't
any particular poem, I was just stuck in the middle, where dogs go on with
their doggy life, where one stumbles over the bramble of
blackberry--halfway between April (which is the cruellest month) and the
mercy of time's means. It seems I had fallen right out of my body and
into the pert where the limerick gets funny.
Naturally, I opened my mouth to protest, but all that came out was a
unique testament to the loveliness of a girl I know. Quite a lovely
testament, as testaments go, but that really wasn't my concern at that
precise moment.
After a time, I decided to move, but that turned out to be too narrative,
and left me right in the middle of a forgotten epic. So I turned back
toward a pretty how town (where no one loved anyone more by more), but I
tripped over a split infinitive and landed face first in a big pile of
incomprehensible synecdoche.
It became apparent that this was going to be a very strange day, indeed.
About the same time that I was picking my way around a patch of flowers
that tomorrow would be dying, I heard the unmistakable sound of a crying
girl. As luck would have it, I fancy myself something of a storybook
hero, so I set about to finding the source of the sobbing.
After running a gauntlet of cannon to right of me and cannon to left of
me, I found myself quite winded (I'm a bit pudgier than you might expect
to find in a poem, especially in the middle). I held my side and walked
slowly to a place where water comes together with other water. I glanced
about, and who did I see but Porphyria. It seems her lover had ound her
hair three times her little throat around and sought to strangle here. I
crept up behind the two and, weilding a rather tasty metaphor, I whacked
the disturbed lover upside the head. He crumpled to the ground, muttering
something about Xanadu and Kubla Hahn, but I couldn't make out the last
Her thirst for air beign so urgent, Porphyria gasped, then jumped into my
arms and began to count the ways in which she loved me in a manner so
metrical and tedious that I rapidly grew quite tired of it. I dumped her
off the first chance I got (which just happened to be at midnight) in the
company of a middle-aged, middle-class woman. It being so late, and I
having been so busy, I was quite tired, and so, using a preposition for a
pillow, I closed my eyes and fell fast alseep.
When I awakened, it was Sunday morning. It being Sunday morning, I was
very cautious of my actions. One never knows what the objective
correlative consequences might be for a given action. But by the time I
had finished brushing my teeth, it was quite apparent that I had returned
to my own dull, none-too-well-articulared existence. I was much sadder
about this than I had expected to be, but I knew better than to think I
could slip right back into poetry at will, so I packed a lunch and set
out to find what would suffice.
okay bye
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