Sinister: On the turning

Nick.Dastoor at Nick.Dastoor at
Fri Jul 14 13:42:17 BST 2000

It's a pisser that the band aren't doing grooop things for a while, but I'm
reminded that they once said something along the lines of "playing in the band
isn't a job that seven people's lives have to revolve around".  If they're not
enjoying it or they've got other things to do then let them.  Sorry, I seem to
have turned into a hippy nomark.  Must go back to Chapel.

Hey - guess what!  I decided to swallow my pride and investigate post-Syd FLOYD.
And it's really good!  'The Delicate Sound of Thunder' is my favourite, I think.
As a document of their triumphant '88 world tour, it faces the seemingly
impossible task of capturing the spectacle of flying pigs and crashing beds, yet
succeeds with aplomb.  An object lesson in the art of compiling live albums.
Shamefully, I've yet to hear 'A Dark Side of the Moon', which is all about
mental illness apparently, so that sounds really good.  I like concept albums
about insanity.  I wonder if it's better than Madness's 'The Rise & Fall' and
Brian Wilson's 'I Used to Be A Werewolf But I'm All Right N-owowoww?

Bit behind the times, but I was listening to 'Up a Tree' last night and I really
enjoyed it!  As concept albums about being a slack-arsed piss artist who loves
his wife dearly go, it's pretty good.  And the studio version of 'Winter
Wooskie' has really grown on me too.  To be dewy-eyed and daft about it for a
moment, when it gets to the end of the single and those reedy nostalgic strains
quickly float by in their unassuming way, it feels like the closing of a
wonderful chapter.  Goodbye Stuart D, I'll miss you after all.

N. xx

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