Sinister: dark side of the wooksie
knightowl at
Sat Jul 15 03:23:48 BST 2000
> In the end we concluded it was about the course of one during
> his life in modern society, and on what that society leads him to do.
> oh...I mean in modern "money-ruling-humanless" society and how much
> that society causes in one's mental sanity. If you notice, it's starts
> an heart beat, and the first music is precisely "Breathe", like one's just
> born. Even so, yes, its mainly about brain damage, but isn't it all about
> it
In the greater sense your analysis was pretty much what it is/was about.
BUT, it is also simply about - like every single Pink Floyd album after it
too - the story of Syd Barrett.
But thats all ancient history. What I want to know is who the heck is Judy
anyway? And how did she go from dreaming about horses to being a dick slap?
And just what the heck is a wooksie anyway? I presume its not a mutant Star
Wars character.
"Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler",
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