Sinister: duets!
daftpunk at
Fri Jul 21 06:20:30 BST 2000
We listees here in Australia just got "Legal Man" so thought'd I'd say a
few words about it:) It's a great if very un-B&S song a real northern soul
stomper with sixties girl-group type vocals-yummy! "Winter wooskie" which
I had alread heard before on various live stuff they've done is beautiful
too. Dig the cover but why is it different from the rest of the EP/album
art? vid is apparently being shown on "Rage" so will haveta check it out
and report back:)
Since the question about the duet between Nick Cave and Shane
McGowan ("what a wonderful world") was brought up, my mind has been set to
think of the really great duets of recent times. All the people Nick sang
with are great of course (the Peej, Kylie), the Drugstore/Thom Yorke one
was nice, and when the Tindersticks collaborated with the always lovely
Isabella Rossellini on "Marriage Made In Heaven"- the results were
fantastic! but can anyone think of other really wonderful duets?
Of course, REM have done a few lovely ones (with Patti Smith, Nat
Merchant) but the one that sticks in my mind is the one he did with the
enigmatic but great Vic Chestnutt for the soundtrack to "End of
Violence"-"Injured Bird" SWOON! What a gorgeous heartbreaking song that
was. I used to have it on tape but I stupidly and foolishly taped over it.
Does anyone have this song and wouldn't mind taping it for me???:) I had
also foolishly taped over the wonderful cover that Pavement did of
"Killing Moon" and if anyone had this, I would be so grateful to 'em:)
Just saw "X-Men" recently and was struck by the coincidence between the
mutants and us listees. We're misunderstood frequently, have a surrogate
family right here in our e-community and well I for one have always wished
for telepathy/telekinesis, though not everyone might agree with me on
this! by the way, go see the movie-it's super cool and despite the
negative advance buzz is really the best superhero adaptation ever (eat
that Batman and haha! DC) and captures the complexity and angst of the
excellent comic quite superbly. It's this year's "Matrix" and it's special
effects are freakin' cool and must be proud of Aussie Hugh Jackman for a
great portrayal of Wolverine, a character I thought would be impossible to
play credibly (but which he does very well actually)
ANyhoo, am wittering on a bit, must dash (wonder if I've started a thread
with this duets thing?) and if anyone has those aforementioned songs, I'd
be so grateful to 'em.
ok seeya folks
Kin Woo
"What's the deal?
Take a pill!"- Cordelia Chase
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