Sinister: the days are long where I come from
Martin Wilson
martin at
Fri Jul 21 17:01:22 BST 2000
"Ello little old ladies"
Wilson Philips? Ne moi pas. I was in a very unsuccessful metal bashing
industrial outfit back in the mid 80s (weren't we all) who seem to have been
more influential than I thought judging by the new Strongbow cider ad. In
fact has anyone else noticed the increasing number of TV ads that pastiche
bands that the company either can't afford or who won't do ads? I only
mention it because the soundtrack of the new Kodak ad sounds a bit like a
popular beat combo we all know and love.
I bought the Flaming Lips CD (Soft Bulletin) last week without hearing it
first - after all everyone on the list says how good they are and my
favourite band like them so how wrong could I go? Well fair to middling
wrong. They're OK but the words are far too clever monkey for my taste and
the tunes are a bit ho hum. According to their web site they do "stuff" live
so perhaps someone who's seen them will tell me different but they just
sound like early XTC to me - much prefer the miserably magnificent Mercury
The religion thing is a bit odd really. Everyone who's posted on it either
thinks its all bad or all good. To me that's the problem. Religion makes you
think in black and white. When people do bad things the religious tell us
its down to free will. But how can you have free will under an omnipotent
god? Maybe the problem is that some people want to ascribe so much to a god
that they end up creating a world view which is the same as if there were no
god. What omnipotent, omniscient beings are best at creating is
I'm not sure that makes any sense now but I was on the train to work and got
distracted by a fox.
I hope the picnics went well and the lettuce wasn't too damp. I almost got
on the train to Sheffield but I had a bad back, no money left and it was
raining so I had peanut butter sarnies in front of a nice warm stereo
instead. To make up for it I'm off to Scarborough tomorrow to look at second
hand books, paddle in the sea and do other twee stuff.* So if you see
someone there in a daft hat and a B&S t-shirt buy him a 99 and say hello.
*I'll get my self in a Gentle Waves song if it's the last thing I do.**
**A Day in the Life of Mart's Shoes?
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