Sinister: yer actual b&s news
Andrew Nicol
andrew at
Thu Jul 27 23:23:39 BST 2000
*b&s news*
belle and sebastian are among the nominations for the nordoff-robbins hard
rock new talent award. b&s - hard rock. who'd have thunk it? well, okay, so
the hard rock refers to the chain of grotty cafes (sorry julie). also
nominated are arab strap, the delgados, geneva, idlewild, justin, and
mogwai. there's a phone number to call to vote, but bugger me if i don't
know what it is.
*more b&s news*
mr. alasdair gray, author and illustrator, is collaborating with the
belle-ends on a book containing the lyrics of the first three albums, along
with illustrations. when this will appear is anybody's guess - mr. gray took
more than fifteen years to write his most recent work, "book of prefaces".
*even more b&s news*
okay, not really. but with the imminent death of napster, those pre-b&s
corduroy hipsters spinal tap have come to the rescue. visit
to download their comeback single, "back from the dead" (in Doubly!). from
the press release -
lead guitarist nigel tufnell - "one of the brilliant things about tapster is
that there's only one song to choose from".
lead singer david st hubbins - "we're putting it on the internet because we
want the people who really care that we're still alive to have it in their
hands and their machinery and then in their ears".
i just realised i last posted in december '98. terrifically prolific, me.
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