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tim ellsworth
t_ells at
Sun Jul 30 19:52:51 BST 2000
I was at work the other day and I was reading this issue of NME and it had
this article about who was the new Moz. It had people like Jarvis Cocker
and Moby but it also Stuart from Belle and Sebastian. You guys might have
already written about this, if so i'm sorry. I don't see how he really
compares to Morressey except maybe his moody lyrics. He only got 2/10, 10
being the closest to Morressey, which made me wonder what the point was to
even include him. Jarvis Cocker only got 6 and that's who I would have
picked, they even compared Moz himself to his old days and he lost. So no
one got higher than 6/10.
On a seperate note I'm going to my friends wedding this upcoming Saturday
which is weird because we only graduated high school last June. I found out
like two other people are getting married too. People say they are because
they have been together for like three years and they love eachother but
they have their whole loves ahead of them and they're sure to meet many more
interesting people. oh well this is a terrible entry to the list, i can't
concentrate and i'm still sleepy so i'll just stop and send it now and
regret writing it later.
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