Sinister: QuaDroPheNic NigHtmAreS...

velocity farewell velocity_girl_is at
Wed Mar 1 11:42:01 GMT 2000

Hi there you sweeties...
IS HERE..!!!
What does that mean? are we getting to feel human
again and not some sort of
              "WaLkiNG CLosEtS"? 
with all those clothes piling on us... GRRRRRRRRRR...
Colin M. mentioned
"Nostalgia" is a Buzzcocks LP... and that's the 1st
thing that came to my head... but then... I thought...
mmmmmm... of a little girl, just 10 years old,
browsing at her ankle's records, finding a double
Beatles' LP
and listening for the very first time to
           StRawBerRy FieLDs FoReVEr...
I thought then that this was the most beautiful song
ever! still is in my top10 list of fav songs...
J.D.Salinger (or Jeremy Simon) whatever... said
> Can I be the village reclusive American author?
*Can* I be?? Dammit, I *am*! Why does everyone ask?
Just be! <

and he is *RiGht"... yer... just be... whatever you
want... it's just that we need a plan especially now
if Simon Aurell creates the village site...
Another thing concerns our beloved HoNeY...
Honey our dearest don't wanna be the sinister village
but... hold your breath...!!! he wants to be an
                 in our local
S    and of course, he's going to wear one           A
I    one of these uniforms that are going            I
N           to be SilVeR and PinK                    R
I    and a pantyhose and a little twee hat           L
S    and make everyone feel comfortable              I
T    and cosy and bring drinks and lollies           N

E      ..................................            E

R       and smile smile smile a lot..!!              S
So,Honey is going to be an airstewardess and that's
  That means, we are in desperate need for a MaYoR...

My dear J.D Salinger asking again....where the village
is going to be situated...
I think that's something we have to decide together...
                      all of us
I thought at first of Corsica... cause of the climat
but, really Scotland sounds great in my ears... but
it's so rainy and cold there... isn't it? and all us
guls with sleek hair will suffer... oh... anyway....
         M a J o R i t Y   R u L e S

  David Moore mentioned "pantisocracy" in Pensylvania
and made me think of another experiment of 
              ComMunAl LiVinG
in West Roxbury, MAss, now Boston area... known as 
              The BrOoK FaRm
created in 1841 by some trnscendetalist authors such
as R.W.Emerson, Henry Thoreau, Bronson Alcott,
Nathaniel Hawthorne and others... and in 1844 the
village's name was altered to PhALanX... based on the
socialistic theories of the french philosopher Charles
Some people are definately ahead of their era...
                  scary, isn't it?
Another thing is... I'd like to apologise to Jason    
          (Luther not Cutler) 
I'm so sorry Jason... do forgive me and come and fix
my broken toaster!!! and my broken TV!!! and my broken
hairdryer!!! and... yer... well...
 I can say that I'm very sad lately, very very sad...
I'm going through one of my "blue periods" and as I
said to a friend last night in #sinister when he
         "Blue period? Like Picasso?"
"Yer, like Picasso, but he was creative, me I'm just  
Oh Yes I Am... 
I received the best package ever yesterday!!! the
       popest! coolest! package ever!
  among other stuff it had a videotape with B&S...
who are these kids kissing like that in
                "dirty dream #2"?
               I was so jealous!!! 
and it also had a lollipop... I love lollipops        
            especially lemon flavour...
   I have a lollipop in my mouth whenever I DJ...
it's so cool!! But this lollipop was probably James
Bond's Lollipop stolen from him!!! I mean, it's a kit,
you know.. it has everything... a tiny pencil and a
rubber, and even a small magnifying glass...
amazing... and the lolly can be replaced... I'm going
to use this lollipop kit as a port clés for my 
                     scooter keys
Juicy Lucy said she'd be honoured to have me at her
for my honey moon but I have to give myself in
orgies... I don't know Lucy... I'm afraid this is not
my type... I'm very oldfashioned and shy I'm afraid...
but for you...
           well... I'll give it a try!!!
          and the world stopped turning...
lots of people are telling me they daydream of the
sinister village... and looking forward to move in
there... I am too... I mean, why not? Crazier things
have happened... why not indeed...
I've heard something else yesterday that pissed me off
completely... of a listee who has been laughed at in
his College from rich guys cause he's poor...
Now can you believe that? I would love to go there and
kick the f** twats!! really... or go with one of these
                   BiG FiRe GuNs 
    and burn them down... down down to the ground!!
Who are they anyway... judging the
          "misery of the lower classes"?
I really wish we had our village and exile people like
that!!! that'd be the cruelest punishment... YEY!!!
Our sinisterian monetary system is falling apart....
I'm asking you sweet peas once more.... what's going
to           be our mean of trade/exchange? 
I have an idea!!!
               L o L i P o P s !
but then lollipops will be overated same as money!!!
Hey... help me out here, will you?
Have to d*a*s*h...
A big SpRinG KiSs to you all...
Love + Lambrettas
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