Sinister: Fold your clothes child, they'll get all creased
Sat Mar 18 20:18:17 GMT 2000
Everyone seems to be leaving sinister at the moment. Boo hoo :(
Isn't the title of the new B&S album GRATE? (yes, GRATE, mr chris). But no
Lord Anthony. I've not actually heard Lord Anthony, but I read the lyrics and
thought they were beautiful. Really lovely. If the tune's nice, it could
become my favourite song.
This week, in school, I've been conducting a social experiment. Yes, I have
decided to inflict my dazzlingly white knee high socks on St. Brides High
School. I stuck at it all week, despite getting a bit of a kicking in the
cantene the first day I wore them, despite being called Brittany Spears,
despite loud and harsh laughter everytime I go by a group of hard kids, and
despite the fact that I have crap legs, and my pleated skirt is slightly too
small for me.
I got new glasses yesterday. I don't like them that much, but they were
better than the little square things that give me a big moon face. I wanted
these really cool, massive, round brown owly ones, but in the end I had to
get these other ones that are too tight on, and don't look at all nice.
My friend stayed the night last night and we got a bit drunk on half a bottle
of cider each ("no, mum, it really is apple juice"). We then phoned up Barry,
the git, on a drunken impulse, but he wasn't in, so we talked to his sister,
who's a moke. Then we stayed up all night watching Four Later and debating
whether Chris Geddes would or would not be the perfect guy. Me arguing for
and her complaining that she wanted to switch off the B&S videos, because,
and I quote "They're all gay and don't you bluddy finish off all that cider,
bitch" (she was only kidding on though), and watch her Blondie documentary.
Then someone gave us a prank phone call and we ended up talking to him about
the sex pistols.
I don't like choir at all. Oh no. Because the chorusmaster is a moke. He is.
He picks on me when my friends talk and get me into trouble. It's because I'm
too honest to avoid getting caught. Like when I called him a bluddy moke, and
he heard me.
I'd better go now, and get some sleep.
Jen xxx
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