Sinister: What the hell is that drunken sailor doing here?

jarkko frantila chamomile1 at
Wed May 17 11:53:28 BST 2000

Ok, enough nonsense, on to the Point now:


My far much better and prettier half, Maria, said this:

That's a big word, ain't it? I remember back in high school we used to get 
extra points if we used words like that. That also reminds me of the former 
coach of IFK Helsinki whose name was Mike Eaves, but that's another matter.

Then she went on about our very own meeting in Helsinki on the 20th and 
>Also, if you like you can bring me presents since it's my (and
>Morrissey's too) birthday on the 22nd.

Which was kind of a let down for me: It seems she's only in it for the money 
(arf arf) and goodies.


Let's get serious for a moment. I believe it was Nick Dastoor who wrote 
something about indie chicks and boyz who "dig" these 
not-so-well-known-and-new indie bands just to show off, and that how he 
isn't that crazy about these people (correct me if I'm wrong). Well, let me 
quote Darren from Hefner once again. This is what he said:

>Well its true, people who know about lesser, more obscure bands are >more 
>'in' it proves they love music more. I do it all the time and I
>know I'm right. To prove it I'm listening right now to the >Extra-glens.

You know, that's what indie-dicks usually think. I myself, for god's sake, 
seem to think that way sometimes. It's just that you can feel groove 
listening to your 7- inch singles and NOT mention you listen to groove 7- 
inch singles every 30 seconds. Ok, I ordered And You Will Know Us By The 
Trail Of The Dead two weeks ago and got the cd. It's Great. But do I wonder 
around the streets of Helsinki and boast about it? Hell no. I think there's 
about 15 people in Finland who know about that band, but I feel no need to 
show how "in" I am just because I have it.*

Take vinyl, for example. I personally think vinyl is nice but shit at the 
same time: Ok, the sound might be better, but hey, I don't want to get off 
my lazy ass in the middle of the album. And if the second song on the album 
is crap, I'll just press the button and swoosh, song number three is on. Who 
I really hate are these snobbish collectors (like you can read/see in High 
Fidelity) that think it's somehow "cooler" to collect vinyl rather than 
cd's. Phleeaaze. As long as the music comes out of my speakers, that's 
enough for me.

And the whole word "Indie" gives me the creeps. A few years back indie was 
used to describe a band which had a deal with an independent recordlable. 
These days it's a band which:

recordsales are lower than low
complains about how stupid THE PUBLIC is since they haven't sold more than 
200 cd's to us indie-dicks.

And I STILL think Aqua is better/more close to people than B&S because they 
sell more albums.

Ooh, these people here are staring at me with their evil eye. I'd better get 
back to work. Oh, my poll will be running for two more days at   ,then I'll give you the official 

@--->--- JAke Le PetitE.

"Have I ever had bad sex? No, but my girlfriend has."
-Jake Le PetitE. Oscar Wilde, move over.

*That was just an example, so I had to mention I bought AYWKUBTTOTD to you 
lot. I wasnät showing off. But I quess you knew that. Continue reading my 
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