Sinister: tarot, parties, careers, and out of control emotions....

idleberry idleberry at
Mon Oct 9 11:23:22 BST 2000

hi all,
well, thanks to everyone who visited my site. You put
my mind at ease, I couldn't get the new page up, even
when the old one had gone away, so thanks for
confirming it was working.

The weekend.
Hair wet through a Fat Elvis stage, but now its
looking foxy.
I had a party. Not everyone came, but there were
enough there to make it fun.
I had my tarot read. Woo! It told me to study more.
I went to a club. I danced like the drunken fool I was
to B+S.
My mates decided to get my flatmate stoned. He was
babbling like an incoherent fool quite soon. We had a
bet to see how long it would be before he fell over.
He had been drinking since 2pm, and had not eaten
anything. It didn't suprise me.

Got a dress for my birthday from my boyfriend. Saw
two, bought the blue one. Think I'll buy the red one
as well today. Heh heh.
And some boots and a coat. And a belt, and all sorts. 

I am on such an emotional rollercoaster today. Really
really upset. Need to do some studying, but I can't
get my head to function. Cried while I walked to uni.
Imagining bad things. 

I hate having hormones. They are crap.

Need to talk to my boyfriend. Something is upsetting

Wondering who to talk to about how I feel. Rang my dad
and he sort of did his dad bit. He didn't give me any
advice really, just said I should talk about it. And I
should do whatever feels best. I think he was a bit
suprised, to be honest. I usually call my mum for
these chats. And mum is great for these chats, cos she
gives me heaps and heaps of advice, and tells me not
to worry, and gives me a verbal hug (awww!) and then
goes a bit girl powery and things. Dad sort of mm's
and ooh's a bit. He tries his best, bless him.

Trying to decide on a future career. Should I be:
1. a diplomat( it looks cool)
2. An English teacher in Japan (for a year)
3. Go into advertising
4. A web designer?

cannot decide.

Quite like the idea of being a diplomat. But will they
take me? My mum used to work for the Norwegian
Government, so who knows if they'll be happy about it.

Careers advice was suprisingly good. Apart from the
bit where we're supposed to become modern language
teachers or primary school teachers.

They always tell us to be teachers in my department.

I wouldn't mind teaching in Japan. Good money, and

Have to go now.

Love you all,
a very confuddled idles.


btw! I got a letter in New Woman this month.. I had a

You lot know what I'm like with ranting.

You can't miss it.

I'm the only ranting letter.

Grrr. heh heh heh.

=====  we're all smoking our corduroys in our secret little b+s club- what are you doing??

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