Sinister: That makes you seem so white today

Alasdair Cook MC1996 acook at
Tue Oct 10 19:33:25 BST 2000

Hello Sinister. Due to certain things happening involving people
changing rules so as to fuck me over slightly and not let me do the last
year of the course I want, I'm leaving uni. But moaning is for, er,
moaners, so lets stop all that. 

The upshot of it all is that I lose free internet access (sob) so until
I can afford to actually buy a decent computer (possibly a while) I'll
have to use these internet cafes I've heard so much about. Apparently
they serve you tea on a silver platter, and it doesn't even matter if
you spill it on the keyboard, they just bring out another one. And it
only costs 57p, even if you stay on Sinister chat for the whole day
talking to people you've never met, trying to make them think you're
cool and handsome.

So my new address for this purpose is allycook96 at So any
abuse in future should be sent to there. I'll stay on Sinister as well,
which is probably not a good idea as I won't want to actually spend too
much money so I'll probably just skim over them all, and just spend my
time reading all my old posts in the archives, feeling good about how
amazingly witty and interesting I used to be, before I became really
dull. Unless I discover that I was always really dull, which is probably
more likely.


Alder (Yeah yeah, that's what they called 'er):

> Having mentioned Scots, it would probably be wise to gloss over the part of the afternoon that
> involved Germans, a muddy pitch and Kevin Keegan.

No, I don't think that would be wise at all. I mean come on, it's not
often England are the ONLY British team to lose. And to the worst German
side in a very old person's living memory. He he. And Kevin Keegan's
"I'm crap" speech in his interview afterwards was one of the strangest
and best things I've seen on TV for ages. Yes, I know Scotland are still
going to get gubbed by Croatia.

Lowery (Yeah yeah, it's looking awful showery):

> and I guess I'm just gonna be single for a while
> and that's cool.

Cough! Splutter! Sorry.

Robinson (Yeah yeah, he really is a Nobinson):

> Ally, you nicked my slugs and snails can I have them back? Or at
> least feed them some crab sticks, they like them.

No. Piss off.

Pinefox (Yeah yeah, when he plays guitar he really rocks):

> I can't swallow properly.

It's the Eskimo saliva in your throat. I know.

Alasdair xx
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