Sinister: morph(!) Autumn, and Hallowe'en

idleberry idleberry at
Mon Oct 16 13:17:10 BST 2000

Morph was indeed king. 
I see the whole likeness of Stuart Murdoch and Morph.
They both have M in their name....
and both end with a H.

But seriously, Morph was cool. He was a character that
really was unique.
So if Morph is Stuart Murdoch, does that make Kermit
the Frog into Woody Allen?

Power Puff Girls. My brother got me Buttercup as a
soft doll thing, and as a keyring. Power Puff!

Autumn is ace. Enjoy it.

Its not as hot as summer, exams are still months away,
and Christmas is round the corner. And there is a
lovely scent of bonfires here in the Norfolk air. 
Its a good season. 

Plus, what other season gives you an extra hour to lie
in bed? Not Spring, thats for certain!
And theres something cosy about it all.


I love Hallowe'en.
When I was in Norway, two years ago, I held a
hallowe'en party.

The thing is, they don't really have it there, but the
Norwegians whop came, put a hell of an effort into
costumes. One girl tied rubber snakes into her hair,
another covered herself with tin foil, and somehow
made herself into some futuristic woman thing. She
used tinfoil, blue material, and put wire in her hair
tomake sticky out plaits. A couple of girls dressed up
as Playboy bunnies, people really put a lot of effort
in. It doesn't matter what you are supposed to be,
just be creative. Tinfoil, tinsel, glitter, face
paints, rubber snakes, low cut tops, hotpants,
whatever you can think of.
Imagination is the key, not really going "as "
It was a trully cool Hallowe'en party.

I got drunk.

Anyway dearies,
I must go and read chapter three of Jonas for two o
clock, pay £500 rent, (even though I don't have it)
put a cheque into my account, buy a TV licence, and do
all sorts of other grown up things. Sitting at the
pootah all day is not an option. 

I'll do that tomorrow.


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