Sinister: Join the fight to end hunger
KatieB at
KatieB at
Fri Apr 6 22:32:50 BST 2001
This is a dead nice site, one click can do a wee bit to help,every click
adds up.Every 3.6 seconds, someone dies of hunger. 75% are children. Visit
The Hunger Site ( everyday to donate free food
and participate in the fight to end world hunger.
Funds to provide cups of staple food, paid for by site sponsors, are
generated when you click on the "Donate Free Food" button on the homepage
of The Hunger Site. In 2000, daily clicking generated over $3.4 million for
the front-line hunger relief charities distributing food to the world's
needy. That's over 20 million pounds of food, paid for simply by clicking a
button every day.
Please make visiting The Hunger Site part of your daily routine and help
spread the word to your friends and family!
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+-+ "sinsietr is a bit freaky" - stuart david, looper +-+
+-+ "legion of bedroom saddo devotees" "peculiarly deranged fanbase" +-+
+-+ "pasty-faced vegan geeks... and we LOST!" - NME April 2000 +-+
+-+ "frighteningly named Sinister List organisation" - NME May 2000 +-+
+-+ Nee, nee mun pish, chan pai dee kwa +-+
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