Sinister: FC Sinister v Baxendale Netball XI

Peter Miller pjmiller at
Mon Apr 9 09:12:36 BST 2001

C'mon kids! Don't keep us waiting for the football results and any other ATP
shenanigans. Admittedly it will be difficult to top a seven foot Pink
Panther, but still....

The Sinister Midnight Lending Library is presumably still open for business,
and is a great place to send your stories, probably better than the list,
but it's up to you, you and strictly you and you. "Bob Dylan is a Miserable
Bitch" is a great favourite of mine.

Big old school Sinister weekend, with Jonzi D on the radio talking about his
one-man show, and Lenny Waronker* on the telly talking about Madonna's first
record, which was "Holiday" - how's about that for a perfectly formed debut?
And big knockers to boot.

Not much to say really. Shall we discuss those cover versions? No? Okay.

Sister Disco

* it was Seymour Stein really.

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