Sinister: "Culture, ugh! The ideal commodity..
M. Timothy Meskers
areservoirdog at
Wed Apr 11 21:12:40 BST 2001
..The one that sells all others."
Hello all,
Hope you're doing well.
Was just a bit curious to see if anyone was going to The (International)
Noise Conspiracy show tomorrow night in Philly. The Noise Conspiracy is one
of my favorite bands and I am very excited to see them. Their singer,
formerly of Refused, has some very intriguing ideas and has inspired me to
learn more about politics. (ALSO! On the Lost Patrol 7" the picture that
comes with it is of Dennis wearing a Study at Stowe shirt. I nearly lost it,
two of my favorite bands connected in a fuzzy black and white photo!) T(I)NC
are best blend of Socialist 60's modrock-hardcore to come out of Sweden
since Abba. Anyways for some content, a chap off Napster was kind enough to
allow me to download a song called Jeremy From Chicago off of his harddrive.
Supposedly one of the new B&S singles. If it's not B&S, it sure sounds
swell, and I'll be first in the queue to pick it up when it does come out.
If it is B&S.
But right. If anyone does go to the show, be prepared for a proper rocking.
I'll be the twee one up front with the camera, snapping pictures of Dennis
and being generally manhandled by the hardkids in the pit.
I've never met a Sinisterine in person before so if someone does go just
call out the name "Timothy" until someone responds. Hopefully me.
"New York was more of the same, til somebody mentioned your name.."
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