Sinister: A nice, quiet, predictable B+S fan post. All dainty like. With little daisies and pictures of fluffy bunny wabbits.
idleberry at
Tue Apr 24 20:35:48 BST 2001
hello all.
Hope you are all well. If so, then I am too. Cos I
won't be well unless you all are, and enjoying
whatever life brings to you. Its a shame its a rainy
day, here in Berryland, but you know, if you like
rain, so do I. Heck. Maybe we should be friends.
I have decided, that for the safety of my inbox, I
ought not to talk about such nasty vile matters like
the env<<censored>> and certainly not about Ge<<also
censored>>. And then I shan't be offending any
<<extremely censored>>. And then they won't be saying
that I'm a <<very censored>> or implying that I am
<<incredibly censored>> cos thats just rude. And you
know what those <<censored>> are like. T'huh! And I'm
not in the mood for it right now cos I got my
<<censored>> and thats <<censored>> nor <<censored>>
nor good for the <<censored>> nor healthy.
As that intelligent man, Mr <<censored>> once said,
although, I have to say I don't like <<censored>> as I
said in an earlier post....
<<censored..cos its not about Belle And sebastian and
especially not about their genitals.>>
etc etc.
So no <<censored>>, or <<censored>> or <<censored>>
and no hell below us either apparently. But heck, we
could all be cheeky little <<censored>> and have lots
of wild <<censored>>!
I bagsy the first <<censored>>!!
I like this game.
First one who can fill in all the blanks correctly
wins a prize.
I was talking to my pal earlier, and we were
discussing <<censored>> and he said that I was right
of course. But then he likes Monty Python too.
We had a giggle about Belle And Sebastian fans as
well. He thought they were very odd people indeed. I
agreed. No offence.
Then I had a muffin. It was chocolate. It was very
nice. It tasted yummy. And I had a cigarette too. That
was yummy and also tasted nice. Plus, it put me in a
good calm mood.
Then I came into the library and spent the past five
hours, over the books, reading away.
I was reading up about <<censored. You might not like
what the topic was... it tends to get certain people
upset with me when I say it and then they might send
me e mails. And then I have to read them. Sort of like
the effect of feeding a mogwai after midnight.>> and I
have to write an essay about it... 2500 words long,
and due in tomorrow. my pal is struggling with hers,
but she got an extention. I think my teacher is on the
mailing list, cos she gave me a dirty look.
Anyone want a game of "guess the title of the next
belle and sebastian release?"
I'm guessing its going to be called...
cheers ducks.
(who is, by the way, doing her bit for the
<<censored>> so don't you dare say I'm not, if even at
this late stage you want to e mail me and abuse me
further about <<censored>> cos you know, you wouldn't
be alone.)
===== we're all smoking our corduroys in our secret little b+s club- what are you doing??
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